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发布时间: 2021-03-15 14:11:54

A. 北师大小学六年级上册英语单元试卷

一、 选择,并把答案补充完整
LiMing,why do you go to the gym?__________
Danny,why do you put on a coat?___________
Jenny,why do you read a book?____________
Mr.wood,why do you go to the library?____________
1. Because I want to read a book.
2. B__________ I w_____ to l________ English.
3. B__________ I w______ to p_______ ping-pong.
4. ____________ it’s ________(hot,cold) outside.
二、 把下列单词和句子补充完整
I__e s__a__e f__ll sn__ __ m__tt__n s__ar__ sp__ __ __ __ s__n su__ __er l__ __ __n th__ __k sk__
What’s your favourite s__ __ __ __ __? W__ __ __ __ __ is my favourite.
三、 排列组句
1 like on skate the I ice to__________________________
2 make want I to a snowball____________________________
3 take I my off mittens________________________________
4 puts she her on scarf__________________________________
1 In spring,I like to___________
A ski B make a snowball C fly a kite
2 In summer,____________________.
A it is ice and snow. B the sun is hot C it is warm.
3 In fall,____________________.
A the flowers bloom. B there is ice and snow.
C the wind blows the leaves of the trees.
4 In winter,I ________________.
A like to skate B fly a kite C put on a T—shirt
Jenny: LiMing,how many seasons in a year?
LiMing: There are four________.My favourite season is _________.
Jenny: What do you like to do in winter?
LiMing: I like to _______ on the _________.Jenny: Can you ________? LiMing: I think I can. Jenny: Can you _________ me? I want to ________.
LiMing: Yes! Jenny: But it’s _________ outside.
LiMing: You can ___________ your _________ and boots.
Jenny: Great!Let’s go!
Word List: winter ski seasons skate snow cold learn teach put on scarf

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