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『壹』 八年級上英語期中試卷

八年級英語上期中能力訓練題(一) I.聽錄音上的各組對話,回答下列各問題。(15分) 1.? 2.? 3.WhydoyouthinkMaycanbethewoman'sbestfriend? 4.Howdoesthemanlikediving? 5.Whichcountryaretheyvisiting? II.補全對話。根據上下文補全所缺單詞。(10分) Mike:Whatsubjectsareyoustudying? Mary:Maths,Chinese,(1)______,Computer,History,Geography,Scienceandsoon. Mike:Which(2)______doyoulikebest? Mary:English.Theothersareinteresting,too.ButmyScienceispoor. Mike:What'sthereason? Mary:IthinkIhaven'tbeenworkingenough. Mike:I(3)______youbegantolearnJapanese,didn'tyou? Mary:Yes,ItookaJapanesecourseby(4)______totheradio. Mike:How(5)______Japanesewordshaveyoulearnt? Mary:I'velearntabout300words. Mike:CanyousingasonginJapanese? Mary:No,I(6)______. Mike:? Mary:Onlya(7)______. Mike:I'malso(8)______inJapanese.Wouldyou(9)______metolearnJapanese? Mary:I'llbegladto.Let'slearnittogether(10)______nextMonday. III.讀下面短文,根據所給首字母,填寫正確的單詞。(20分) 's.Theboatsthatc______(1)peoplenorthfromthecitya______(2)SanFranciscoBayweretoocrowded.Manypeoplehadani______(3). Theysaidthatab______(4)shouldbebuilt.S______(5)peoplecalledit"TheBridgeThatCouldn'tBeBuilt". JosephB.Strauss,aworld-famousbridgebuilder,saidhet______(6)itcouldbebuilt.Finally,workwasstarted.Oneworkersaid,"If______(7).Wedidn'tthinkitwouldevermakeit.Wethoughtthebridgewouldf______(8)intothewater." Itd______(9)fall.______(10)bridgeinAmerica-theGoldenGateBridge. IV.選詞填空。(20分) but,for,well,with,giveup,harder,important,alot,thinkof,goodat Myclosefriendismydeskmate.Sheis(1)______English,(2)______Iampoorinit.OnceIfailedinatest.(3)______thissubject.(4)______subjectandwemuststudyit(5).Iwasmoved.Fromthenon,IstudiedEnglish(6)thanbefore.WhenIhaddifficulties,Iwouldgotoher(7)______help. (8)______herhelp,myEnglishhadimproved(9)______bytheendoftheterm.,Ioften(10)______herandherhelp. V.用所給形容詞、副詞的適當形式填空。(20分) ? Tomistwentyyearsold.Mikeistwenty-one.SoMikeisoneyear(1)______(old)thanTom.(2)______(tall)..SoMikeishalfaninch(3)______(tall)thanTom. Mike'sandTom'sapartmentslookvery(4)______(different).Mike'sisoneofthe(5)______(expensive)inourtown.Tom'sapartmentismuch(6)______(small)thanMike's,buthisis(7)______(attractive)thanMike'sinmanyways.Mikeisgetting(8)______(busyandbusy)thesedays.Hecan'tfind(9)(many).Heisalso(10)______(lazy)thanTomabouthousework.Hedoesn'tcareifhisplaceisalittle(11)______(dirty)ormessy.Tomisavery(12)______(neat)person.Hisplaceisalways(13)______(neatandclean)thanMike's. Mikeisnotso(14)______(good)atcookingasTom,butheisasgoodasTominsports.,buthecan'tplaytennisas(15)______(well)asMikecan.Mikeisa(16)______(good)dancerthanheis,too. ..Helikestomeetnewpeople,butTombecomes (17)______(shy).Mikeis(18)______(talkative)and19)______(sociable)thanTom.BothTomandMikearethe(20)______(good)friendsofmine. VI.閱讀理解。(15分) June2004 Schoolisout,.Onthelastdayofschool,-theclassof2005...Well.Ipasseditwithflyingcolours. .eavingtheteam,.,.Oh,whatfunwehad!Sincesummerhasbegun,gworld.'.Imean,,butIalsoseesomethingsI'vedone.ButIhavelearned,.Myjunioryearwasthetoughest:gettingreadyformysenioryear,keepingmygradesup,allofthosenationaltests,andjusthandlingthepressure.Althoughthepressurewastough,.TheymadesurethatIwouldn'tfall,andifIdid,theywouldjustpickmerightup. ..I',butI'.,. 根據短文內容,簡要回答下列問題。 1.Isthispassagealetteroradiary?_______________________________________ 2.WhatgradeisMissChristainnow?_______________________________________ 3.Howabouttheirspringdanceshow?_______________________________________ 4.?_______________________________________ 5.WhatcollegewillMissChristago?_______________________________________ 上學期期中英語能力訓練題(一)參考答案 I.錄音原文及參考答案 1.Man:Oh,dear!I'mthirsty.Whosejuiceisit? Woman:It'smine. Man:CanIhavesome? Woman:Er...,mmm...,butthere'slittleleft. 2.Man:Couldyouhelpmewithmylessons? Woman:Whichsubjectareyouweakin? Man:Well,Idon'tdowellinHistory,Maths,English,er...,Scienceandsoon. Woman:I'mgoodatScience,butI'mnotinterestedinMaths.. 3.Man:Lookatthatgirl.Who'sshe,doyouknow? Woman:That'sMay.She'smybestfriend.She'sveryhelpful,. 4.Woman:Oh,. Man:However,Ithinkit'salittledangerous,andsoisdiving. 5.Woman:Oh,dear,howbeautifultheEiffelToweris! Man:Ofcourseitis!Butcanyougettothetopofit? (1.Sheisn'./Sheisnotgeneroustoothers.2..3..4.Hethinksit'salittledangerous.5.TheyarevisitingFrance.) II.1.English2.subject3.hear4.listening5.many6.can't7.little8.interested9.help10.from III.1.carried2.across3.idea4.bridge5.Some6.thought7.felt8.fall9.didn't10.known IV.1.goodat2.but3.giveup4.important5.well6.harder7.for8.With9.alot10.thinkof V.1.older2.tall3.taller4.different5.mostexpensive6.smaller7.moreattractive8.busierandbusier9.much10.lazier11.dirty12.neat13.neaterandcleaner14.good15.well16.better 17.shy18.moretalkative19.moresociable20.best VI.1.It'sadiary.2.SheisinGrade9(Nine)ofhighschool.3..4.壓力。5.I(We)don'tknow.

『貳』 8年級期中考試卷各科目都要,謝謝


題號 一 第二部分 作文 總分
(一) (二) (三)
得分 評卷人


1、 ,決眥入歸鳥。
2、白頭搔更短, 。
3、 ,如聞泣幽咽。
4、 常恐秋節至, 。
5、在《長歌行》當中揭示人生哲理的句子是: , 。
6、《望洞庭湖贈張丞相》中最能表現洞庭湖壯觀景象的句子是: , 。
7、《望岳》中表現不怕困難、敢於攀登絕頂、俯視一切的雄心和氣概的詩句是 , 。
8、《愛蓮說》中最能體現蓮花潔身自好的名句是 , 。
9、寫出與「蓮」有關的古詩句 , 。
10.1954年,巴西的男女老少幾乎一致認為,巴西足球隊定能榮獲世界盃賽的冠軍。然而,在半決賽時,巴西隊意外地輸給了法國隊,結果沒能奪得那個金燦燦的獎杯。球員們感到無臉見家鄉父老。他們知道,球迷們的辱罵、嘲笑和扔汽水瓶子是難以避免的。可是,當飛機降落在首都機場的時候,映入他們眼簾的卻是另一番景象:巴西總統和兩萬多名球迷默默地站在機場,人群中有兩條標語格外醒目: 「這也會過去!」 球員們頓時淚流滿面。總統和球迷們都沒有講話,默默地目送球員們離開了機場。4年後,巴西足球隊不負眾望贏得了世界盃賽的冠軍。球員們乘飛機回國時,16架噴氣式戰斗機為之護航。當飛機降落時,聚集在機場上的歡迎者多達3萬人。從機場到首都廣場將近20公里的道路兩旁,自動聚集起來的人超過100萬。在人群中,有兩條橫幅格外醒目:「這也會過去!」
八年級第一學期期中考試語文試卷 第1頁 (共6頁)
回答問題:第一次的「這也會過去」有什麼含義: 。

第二次的「這也會過去「有什麼含義: 。

我們從中受到了什麼啟示? 。
得分 評卷人


晉太元中,武陵人捕魚為業。緣溪行,忘路之遠近。忽逢桃花林,夾岸數百步,中無雜樹, , 。漁人甚異之。復前行,欲窮其林。
11、這段文字的作者是_____________,選自課文_______________,本文給我們虛構了一個與世隔絕的理想境界,後人用成語 來形容這樣的地方。(3分)
12、按原文填空: , 。 (2分)
。 (2分)
便要還家 停數日,辭去
屋舍儼然 阡陌交通
八年級第一學期期中考試語文試卷 第2頁 (共6頁)


得分 評卷人

三、 閱讀下文,完成下列問題(34分)
八年級第一學期期中考試語文試卷 第3頁 (共6頁)
擎著( )灼灼( )拎著( )綽號( )
八年級第一學期期中考試語文試卷 第4頁 (共6頁)

②以帝王來命名一隻蛾子,你也許會說,這未免太誇張了吧?不錯,如若它僅僅是以其長達幾 十厘米的雙翼贏得了這樣的名號,那的確是有誇張之嫌;但是當作知道了它是怎樣沖破命運的苛刻 設定,艱難地走出恆久的死寂,從而擁有飛翔的快樂時,你就一定會覺得那一頂「帝王」的冠冕真的是非它莫屬。
④有人懷了悲憫惻隱之心,企圖將那幼蟲的生命通道修得寬闊一些。他們拿來剪刀,把繭子的 洞口剪大。這樣一來,繭中的幼蟲不必費多大的力氣,輕易就從那個牢籠里鑽了出來。但是,所有因得到了救助而見到天日的蛾子都不是真正的「帝王蛾」——它們無論如何也飛不起來,只能拖著喪失了飛翔功能的累贅的雙翅在地上笨拙地爬行!原來,那「鬼門關」般的狹小繭洞恰是幫助帝王蛾幼蟲兩翼成長的關鍵所在,穿越的時刻,通過用力擠壓,血液才能順利送到蛾翼的組織中去;惟有兩翼充血,帝王蛾才能展翅飛翔。人為地將繭洞剪大,蛾子的翼翅就失去充血的機會,生出來的帝王蛾便永遠與飛翔絕緣。
26、根據語境解釋詞語 (2分)
(1)苛刻: (2)悲憫:

第⑥段中的劃線句中的「帝王」的意思 。(4分)
28.本文借物喻人,借喻說理。從全文來看,作者認為一個人想擁有一雙飛天的「翅膀」,需 要哪些因素和條件?(4分)
八年級第一學期期中考試語文試卷 第5頁 (共6頁)

29.在你成長的過中,肯定也遇到過類似帝王蛾經歷的「鬼門關」,只不過「關口」大小不同而 已。你是如何面對這類「鬼門關」的?請你寫一個這方面的經歷和體會。(4分)

30.在我們的生活中有不少像「他們拿來剪刀,把繭子的洞口剪大」那樣的人和事。請你寫一 個 這樣的生活事例,並說說你的看法。(3分)

得分 評卷人

四 、作文:(50分)


八年級第一學期期中考試語文試卷 第6頁 (共6頁)
20、qíng Zhūó līn chuò
23、 突出孩子的自強(志堅)回答:做事努力,認真或執著不算全對。
25、孩子成全了一棵樹苗 母親成全了一個孩子。(必須寫出「成全」或者類似的說法。)
(2)第⑥段劃線句中的「帝王」的意思是答「主宰」「主人」、「像『帝王娥』那樣依靠自身的拼搏決定 自己的命運的人」均可

八年級第一學期期中考試語文試卷答案 第1頁 (共1頁)


得分 評卷人

卷I (選擇題 共85分)

I. 聽句子,選擇句子中包含的信息。(每小題1分,共5分)
( )1.A. fish B. wish C. finish
( )2. A. delicious B. careful C. beautiful
( )3. A. hungry B. living C. lifestyle
( )4. A. learns B. learning C. playing
( )5. A. play football B. play games C. play the game
II. 聽句子, 選擇最佳答語。(每小題1分,共5分)
( )6.A.I like black shoes and yellow coat. B. I have many books in the bag.
C. I』d like some mplings.
( )7. A. He will come here tonight. B. Lu Ping and Yang Lei.
C. It』s a bag.
( )8.A. Yes. I need your help. B. I want some bananas.
C. No, I don』t need any help.
( )9. A. You』re welcome. B. That』s right. C. Thank you very much.
( )10.A. I like going to the shopping centre. B. I don』t like to go there to buy anything.
C. It』s a big hotel.
III. 聽對話和問題,選擇正確答案。(每小題1分,共5分)
( )11.A. 18 yuan. B. 36 yuan. C. 160 yuan.
( )12. A. I』m going to be a worker. B. He is going to be a doctor.
C. You are going to be a driver.
( )13. A. Lily. B. Li Xi C. Lucy
( )14. A. Yes, he does. B. No, he doesn』t. C. Yes, I do.
( )15. A. Math. B. Physics. C. Chinese.
IV. 聽短文和問題,選擇正確答案。(每小題1分,共5分)
( )16.A. He is a boy. B. He is fine. C. She is a student.
( )17. A. She likes to listen to the music and play games.
B. She likes to sing the song.
C. He likes to listen to the radio.
( )18. A. Yes, she doesn』t. B. Yes, he does. C. Yes, she does.
八年級第一學期期中考試英語試卷 第1頁 (共6頁)
( )19. A. A telephone. B. A computer. C. A birthday cake.
( )20. A. She listened to the music and played games on the computer.
B. She had a birthday party on that day.
C. She bought a cake, cleaned the house, cooked the dinner and did many other things.
V. 單項選擇(每小題1分,共25分)
( )21. ---_____must I take this medicine every day?
--- Three times a day.
A.How long B. How often C. How far D. How
( )22. Oh, I feel something______on my back. Jack, please give me a hand.
A. climbing B. climb C. to climb D. climbs
( )23. Do you come here ____your car?
A.on B.in C.by D.into
( )24. It ____about 15 minutes ____the theatre.
A.take, walk B.takes, to walk C.takes, to walk to D.take , to walk
( )25. I hope ______ on time.
A. her to come B. she can come C. she can comes D. her comes
( )26. You don』t look ______ today; you』d better go to see the doctor.
A. good B. better C. well D. happy
( )27. Boys and girls, I have _________ to tell you.
A. nothing interesting B. interesting something
C. interesting anything D. something interesting
( )28.The train _______. Please get ready to get off.
A. arrives B. arrived C. is arriving D. to arrive
( )29.Our garden isn't so __________ as theirs.
A. larger B. large C. bigger D. smaller
( )30. --- Shopping with me?
--- Sorry. I have a lot of clothes____________.
A. to wash B. washed C. wash D. washing
( )31. Would you like to go for a walk with us? ___, but I'm busy.
A. No, I can't B. Yes, I will C. I'd love to D. I like
( )32. The number of students in Class Ten ____ sixty-six, and a large number of them ____Jay Chou.
A. are; like B. is ; likes C. is; like D. are ; like
( )33. .Susan』s parents have bought a large house with a swimming pool. It ______be very expensive.
A. can B. must C. mustn』t D. can』t
( )34. This pair of shoes is too small for me. Please show me _______.
A. the other B. another C. one more D. others
八年級第一學期期中考試英語試卷 第2頁 (共6頁)
( )35. Don』t you think an elephant is ________ than a tiger ?
A. lighter B. heavier C. more heavy D. the heaviest
( )36. He can』t wait ____ his mother the exciting news.
A. tell B. telling C. to tell D. told
( )37. The radio says it _____ later in the day, then we can go out to play.
A. stops to rain B. stop raining C. will stop raining D. stop rain
( )38. Do you enjoy _______ football? I hear there will be a football match tomorrow.
A. playing B. play C. played D. to play
( )39. It』s hard to keep the house _____ with three kids.
A. cleaning B. to clean C. cleaned D. clean
( )40 .____your school like?
A. How is B. How does C. What does D. What is
( )41. ______ would like to work here.
A. All they B. All them C. All of they D. All of them
( )42. The meat is ___ dear and eating ___ meat is bad for your health.
A. too much; much too B. too much; too much
C. much too; too much D. much too; much too
( )43. She decided _________ a digital camera.
A. to buy B. buying C. bought D. buys
( )44. How about ___________________?
A. go bike riding B. going fish C. going bike riding D. go fishing
( )45.---- 「Supper is ready, Mary.」 ---「I _____.」
A. come B. came C. have come D. am coming
VI. 完形填空(每小題1分,共10分)
Once a rich woman invited Martin Brown, a famous singer, to sing for her friends. But she 46 him to have dinner with them. She told him to eat 47 the servants.
After the meal Martin stood up and said to the servant, 「Now, my good friends, I 48 for you.」 He sang several songs and the servants were quite 49 .
Then the rich woman asked 50 to come to the sitting-room. 「 We are waiting for your songs. 51 you ready?」 the woman asked.
「 I am sorry,」 Martin said. 「 I have sung 52 . I usually 53 once in one evening, and I can』t sing 54 .
And with a polite 「 55 」 , he left the rich woman』s house.
( )46

『叄』 2015八年級下冊英語期中考試試卷及答案


『肆』 人教版 八年級上冊英語 期中考試復習資料和習題。

一.找出下列單詞劃線部分發音不同的選項。( 5分 )
( )1. A. means B. head C. leave D. speak
(  )2. A. habit  B. match C. plan  D. nature
(  )3. A. tooth B. foot C. good D. book
(  )4. A. bike B. ride C. river D. mile
(  )5. A. ago    B. stop C. over D. whole
(  )1.-- How do you usually come to school?---- I usually come to school _________.
A. take the bus B. by bus C. by the bus D. take a bus
(   )2. —     did he play soccer?   —About 3 hours.
A. How far     B. How soon    C. How often      D. How long
(   )3. —Do you look the same?   —No, I am       taller than her.
A. more          B. a few       C. a little         D. very
(   )4. A: Do you often watch TV on weekdays?
B: No. I _____ watch TV on weekdays. I watch TV only on weekends.
A. usually     B. never       C. always         D. often
(   )5. --_____ are you staying in Shanghai? --Four days. A. How often B. How far C. How D. How long
(   )6. Thanks for ___________ me to your home.
A. ask           B. inviting        C. to invite        D. asks
(   )7. A: Can you come to my home for dinner? B: Yes,________.
A. I』d love to    B. I will     C. I can』t come    D. I do
(   )8. Jack spends much money on books _____ he is not rich.      A. though    B. since    C. because  D. if
(   )9.If you want to be thinner, you』d better eat _____ food and take _____exercise.
A. more, less    B. less, more      C. fewer, more     D. more, fewer
(   )10.Our house is as _____ as theirs.
A. bigger       B. big       C. more big       D. biggest
(   )11 . I hope ______ on time.
A. her to come  B. she can come  C. she can comes  D. her comes
(   )12. Boys and girls, I have _____ to tell you.
A. anything interesting         B. interesting something
C. interesting anything         D. something interesting
(   )13. You should have a _____ lifestyle, or you can』t be in good _____.
A. health , health      B. health , healthy   C. healthy , health       D. healthy , healthy
(   )14. The meat is ___ expensive and eating ___ meat is bad for your health.
A. too much; much too         B. too much; too much
C. much too; too much         D. much too; much too
(   )15. Eating vegetables ______ our health.
A. are good for   B. are good with   C. is good for   D. is good at
( ) 16.---I』m stressed out and tired. -________. A. You should drink some water. B. You should have a good rest. C. You shouldn』t take any exercise D. You should drink some hot water with honey
( ) 17 . I think it』s necessary for us _______ English well. A. learning B. to learning C. to learn D. learn
( ) 18. --Would you like to play with us, Lily?
-I』d love to, but my mother is ill, I have to______ her. A. look for B. look after C. see D. look at
( ) 19. I______ a primary school student two years ago. A. am B. was C. be D. were
( ) 20. My brother ____ hiking in the mountains next week. A. goes B. is going C. went D. to go
三、完型填空(共10小題,計10分) Mr. Smith lived in a village (村莊). He had      1      farms(農場) and about twenty people working for him. He often told them     2      hard and be honest (誠實的). One day he went to a farm and worked with the workers there. Soon it was time     3     lunch. He put     4     nice bread on the table and went out. A few minutes later he came back again but he     5   find the bread. 「Who ate the bread on the table?」 he shouted. Some of the workers answered, 「We     6     .」The others said, 「We saw nothing.」 「Well,」 said Mr. Smith, 「     7      are a lot of mice (老鼠)in the rooms, you know. So I put some poison (毒葯) in the bread.     8      they eat, they must die. Then I can kill them.」 As soon as he finished, four workers began to cry. 「Oh, dear!」「     9      ?」 asked Mr. Smith.「We ate the bread when you were out. We are going to die.」 One of them cried.「Don』t worry,」 Mr. Smith said     10      a smile. 「I only play a trick on you. Use your head.」(     ) 1 A. a few B. few       C. little   D. a little(    ) 2. A. work     B. working   C. worked  D. to work
(     )3. A. in   B. at          C. for      D. with(     )4. A. two   B. many       C. a   D. some(     )5. A. can』t  B. couldn』t   C. wouldn』t     D. mustn』t(     )6. A. did      B. didn』t    C. do   D. does(     )7. A. They  B. There    C. We   D. What(     )8. A. That  B. Before    C. If   D. And(     )9. A. How are you  B. What are you doing 
C. Did you have lunch   D. What』s wrong with you
(     )10. A. with     B. for       C. in       D. on
Doctors tell us that holidays are necessary. We should rest from work for one or two weeks every year, if it is possible, they say, we should leave our homes and go to another part of the country. We should go away for a holiday. Then, after the holiday, we return home and we』re fresh(有精神的) and ready(准備) for another year of work.
This seems to be true(真的) for most alts(成年人) and young children but not for the old. Some people do not like leaving their homes to stay in strange places and they do not like a sudden(突然) change in their lives. They like their homes best of all.
閱讀後判斷正( T ) 誤 ( F ) 。
( )1. Doctors say that we should have a good rest when we are tired.
( )2. We must leave our homes for vacation.
( )3. Only alts can rest a lot from hard work.
( )4 . All the old people don』t like to stay in strange places for holidays.
( )5. 「return」 means get back or come back.
Long long ago, there was a girl called Lucy. Her father was Emperor(皇帝) Yan and he loved her very much. They often played together, and she also loved her father very much. One day, she had a wonderful time when she swam in the sea. She was too tired to swim and she was drowned (淹死). Because she wanted to see her father when she changed into(變成) a bird, she put some stones (石頭) into the sea day after day (日復一日)and changed (改變) the sea into the land. She made a wish, and she would like to play with her father again.This story was a little sad. It tells something important. When we do anything, we have to work hard. Learning English is difficult but if you study hard, you can learn it well.        (     )6 . Did Emperor Yan love her draught very much? _________. A. Yes, he did. B. No, he didn』t.  C. We don』t know.  D. Yes, he didn』t.(     )7 .What did Nuwa do when she changed into a bird? She           . A. had a wonderful time        B. swam in the sea      C. put some stones into the sea  D. played with her father  (     )8 .Why was she drowned?           . A. Because she was happy    B. Because she was sad C. Because she was tired       D. Because she was a little girl(     )9 . What is the meaning of 「land」?         A. 大海          B. 島嶼         C. 操場          D. 陸地(     )10 .What do we know from this passage?           . A. We should change into a bird  B. The girl loved her father very much C. Don』t swim in the sea       D. Learning English is easy 
五、用方框內提示的詞補全對話:( 每2分,共10分)
A: ____1____ B: Yes, please. Could you tell me the way to the First People's Hospital?
A: Let me see. Oh, it's far from here. B: ____2____
A: About five miles. ____3____ B: Which bus should I take?
A: The No.1 bus will take you there. B: ____4____
A: It's about 30 minutes. B: Thanks for your help.
A: ____5____
A. That's OK. B. You can take a bus to go there.
C. Can I help you? D. How long does it take to get there? E. How far is it?
第二卷( 共35 分)
1. She goes to a movie _ (one) a month.
2. He______(go) fishing yesterday.
3. I think everyone has two________(foot).
4. Tom is much______(quiet) than his friends.
5 .Jack________(swim) in the river now.
6. She likes to have friends who are______ (difference) from her.
7. I have a good way of _______ ( learn ) English.
8. This lesson is _________ ( easy ) than that one.
9. They enjoy __________ ( them ) on Sundays.
10. I really need _____________ ( have ) a good rest .
七 、句型轉換(每空一詞,每空1分,共15分)
1. I go to the movies two or three times a month. ( 對劃線部分提問 )
__ ____ do you go to the movies ?
2. It is about forty-five miles from home to school. ( 對劃線部分提問 )[
___ __ is it from home to school ?
3. I usually walk to school.( 同義句 )
I usually go to school __ ______ .
4. Li Ming is not so tall as Li Lei. ( 同義句 )
Li Ming is__ ____ Li Lei.
5. Miss Li is popular in our class. Mr. Wang is more popular.(同義句轉換)
Mr. Wang is ________ popular _________ Miss Li.
6. I usually spend 3 hours doing my homework . (同義句轉換)
It usually ________ me 3 hours ________ do my homework..
7. She is good at English. (同義句轉換)
She _______ _______ ________ English.
八、書面表達:(10 分)
根據提示寫一封電子郵件,詞數60 詞左右。
提示; 你叫王明,你的網友(Alice)這個周末邀請你去看足球比賽,但是你很忙不能去,請你說出不能去的理由,把你的周末安排告訴她。(開頭和末尾已經寫出)
Dear Alice

Wang Ming

『伍』 初二英語上學期期中考試模擬試題

1.What can you see ____ the back of the classroom?
a. in b. at c. in the d. at the
2.If you don't feel like doing the housework, you may ____ look after the baby.
a. choose to b. chooses c. chose d. chose to
3.My teacher asked me to ____ something about my favorite subject.
a. tell b. say c. speak d. talk
4.How delicious the ____ is!
a. pieces of bread b. cakes c. bread d. oranges
5.After half an ____ walk, I got home.
a. hour's b. minute's c. minute d. hour
6.I waited ____ your call the whole night. Why ____ you ring?
a. for, don'tb. for, didn't c. to, don'td. to, didn't
7.I'm too tired, let's ____ out.
a. go b. not go c. not to go d. don't go
8.The players ____ Class 3 are ____ the same team.
a. in, at b. in, on c. from, on d. from, at
9.There are many trees on ____ sides of the road.
a. each b. every c. all d. both
10.Please remember me ____ your parents.
a. to b. for c. at d. in
11.I have a yellow cat ____ four black ears.
a. have b. has c. with d. of
12.The police ____ coming soon.
a. is b. are going to c. are going to be d. are
13.I met him at ____.
a. doctor b. farmer c. the farmer d. the doctor's
14.He can speak English as ____ as his brother.
a. good b. well c. quick d. beautiful
15."in the middle of the day" means ____.
a. in the afternoon b. at one o'clock
c. at noon d. in the morning
16.You'd better ____ go out tonight. There's going to be a storm.
a. not to b. not c. / d. don't
17.Every night the sounds of the shoes ____.
a. wake him up b. wake up him
c. wakes him up d. wakes up him
18.They lived ____ the eighth floor ____ the tall building last year.
a. in, in b. on, on c. in, on d. on, in
19.The boy broke the window. His teacher got angry ____ him.
a. at b. with c. to d. from
20.It ____ almost every night.
a. is happen b. happens
c. is happening d. is happened
21. _____ a cold autumn morning, they got to London.
A. On B. In C. At D. By
22. If you like beef, please have _____ you can.
A. so much as B. much as
C. as many as D. as much as
23. She didn』t think she had _____ more pears _____ Rose.
A. too, as B. so, as C. many, than D. much , than
24. Read the story and ______ the answer ______ the question.
A. find, of B. find, to C. find out, of D. find out, to
25. She began to play the piano last year.
A. So I did. B. I did so. C. So was I.D. So did I.
26. Please ______ the light. It』s too dark.
A. turn off B. open C. don』t turn on D. turn on
27. I came quite early, so I was at the ______ of the queue.
A. back B. middle C. head D. line
28. Whose parent is ill ______ ?
A. in the hospital B. in hospital
C. at hospital D. at the hospital
29. The old woman looks worried. She is ______ something.
A. looking at B. findingC. waiting for D. looking for
30. ______ weather we have today!
A. What a fine B. What fine
C. How fine D. How fine a
31. What ______ you do this Sunday if it ______?
A. do…will rain B. will…rain
C. do…rains D. will…rains
32. Don』t ______ his mistake, you』d better help him.
A. laugh B. laugh to C. laugh at D. laugh with
33. I met a friend of mine _____ I was walking in the park.
A. before B. after C. when D. if
34. Do you often help your mother ______?
A. with clean the house B. cleaning the house
C. to cleaning the house D. clean the house
35. You ______ eat ______ food if you want to be thinner.
A. must to…less B. have to…less
C. must to…a little D. had to…little
36. The doctor looked ______ the old man ______.
A. at…care B. over…careful
C. over…carefully D. up…carefully
37. I won』t go to the cinema. Please ask Mary to go _____.
A. instead of B. instead C. also D. for
38. Li Lei is a good student. He always finishes his homework _____.
A. by him B. himself C. yourself D. itself
39. There are more than ______ in our school.
A. two hundreds teachers B. two hundred teachers
C. two hundreds teacher D. two hundred of teachers
40. In those days, few people liked taking a bus, _____?
A. didn』t they B. did they
C. don』t they D. were they
41When we have a talk, we usually sit ____ desk.
a. in b. at c. in the d. around the
42Mary ____ stay in the classroom.
a. choose to b. chooses c. chose d. chose to
43Please ____ something about the final games between LA Lakers and Philadelphia 76ers last year..
a. tell b. say c. speak d. talk
44Tom ____ go.
a. was decided to b. was decided
c. decided d. decided to
45This sweater is very expensive ____ it is very beautiful.
a. but b. and c. or d. so
46____ mouth-watering food it is!
a. How b. What c. How a d. What
47After two ____ work, Tom was exhausted.
a. day b. days c. days' d. day's
48It's a fine day. Why ____ go out for a picnic?
a. don't b. doesn't c. not d. not you
49It's too dangerous. Let's ____ it!
a. do b. to do c. not do d. not to do
50Jim is from ____ Class 1 and ____ Class 1 runners all run very fast.
a. / , / b. /, the c. the, / d. the, the
51We'll go to the park, if it ____ tomorrow.
a. is rain b. isn't rain c. rain d. doesn't rain
52Beijing is one of the ____ in the world.
a. large city b. large cities
c. largest cities d. largest city
53Tom was badly ill last night. And the doctor did an operation ____ him at once.
a. in b. for c. on d. at
54The baby is crying harder and harder. You must ____ it stop crying.
a. make b. let c. get d. tell
55He speaks so ____ that we couldn't understand ____.
a. quick, ourselves b. slow, she
c. faster, us d. fast, him
56.It's very kind _______ you to help me _______ my Chinese.
a. of, b. to,with c. of,in d. to,in
57.When James _________ last night,we __________ supper.
a. comes,have, b. came,were having c. came,had d. comes,had
58.Beijing is _________ _________ temperature from 10 to 15.
a. cloud,with b. cloud,at
c. cloudy,at d. cloudy,with
59.Perhaps Chinese is more important than ________.
a. any subject b. any subjects
c. any other subjects d. any other subject
60.The conctor ________ me to show him my ticket.
a. let b. wanted c. made d. found
61.Hurry up,________ you』ll be late.
a. but b. and c. so d. or
62.There』s no excuse for __________.
a. late b. to late c. come late d. being late
63.Here』s a seat for __________.
a. we both b. both us c. both we d. us both
64._________ in the sun is not good for your eyes.
a. Read b. reading c. To read d. reads
65.Li Lei isn』t ________ Li Ping.
a. as good at maths as b. good at maths as
c. at maths as good as d. good as at maths
66.We must do _______ work _________.
a. everyday, everyday b. every day, every day c. every day, everyday d. everyday, every day
67.A: Do you think he is out?
B: ________________.
a. I』m afraid so. b. I want to ask him a question.
c. I agree with you. d. I don』t think.
68.________ he won the race. _________ a lucky boy!
a. Luckly…How b. Luck… How
c. Luckily…What d. Lucky…What.
69.Would you please _________ it so quickly?
a. don't say b. not repeat
c. won't say d. didn't repeat
70.She is only a ____________ girl, but she won the __________ race.
b.10-year-old,1000 metre
c. 10-year-old, 1000-metre
d. 10 years old, 1000 metres
71They borrowed a car _____ their neighbor.
A. to B. with C. on D. from
72.Children are _____ easy to make such mistakes.
A. so B. much C. more D. too
73.---Must I go to school on Sunday?
---No, you _____.
A. don』t B. needn』t C. haven』t D. aren』t
74._____ play football on the street, will you?
A. Will B. Won』t C. Do D. Don』t
75.I saw the teacher _____ into the classroom.
A. come B. came C. to come D. coming
76.Please keep the door _____, it』s very cold.
A. open B. close C. closed D. opens
77.I will go out for a walk if I _____ my homework.
A. will finish B. finish C. shall finish D. finished
78.I didn』t feel _____ yesterday.
A. nice B. good C. well D. badly
79.You have more apples than _____ do. But _____ are better than yours.
A. us, we B. we, ours C. ours, us D. ours, ours
80.Mr. Black has no sons _____ daughters.
A. and B. too C. or D. but
81.-How much _____ the meat?-Ten yuan a kilo.
-I want _____. -Here you are.
A. does, half kilo B. does, a half kilo
C. is, half a kilo D. is, half kilo
82.---Would you like to go with us?
A. OK, I』d love B. I would like
C. Yes, I like D. I』d love to
83.Everyone is getting ready for the meeting, _____ ?
A. isn』t it B. isn』t he
C. aren』t they D. isn』t one
84.Did you like the food _____ the picnic?
A. with B. for C. at D. on
85.After an hour』s walk, the old man said he couldn』t go any _____.
A. far B. farthest C. farther D. the farthest
86.Pandas and monkeys are not _____ dangerous animals.
A. some B. any C. every D. /
87.It takes you an hour _____ your homework every day.
A. doing B. do C. to do D. does
88.I will never go _____.
A. to home B. home C. his home D. to his ome
89.There _____ water in the bottle.
A. is no B. is not C. are no D. are not
90.We enjoyed _____ at the Tom』s birthday party last Tuesday.
A. us B. our C. ourself D. ourselves
91.Help ________ to ______ some fish,boys.
A. yourself,/ B. yourself,eat C. yourselves,/ D. yourselves,eat
92.When it's dangerous,you must say "______".
A. Help me! B. Save me! C. Save! D. Help!
93.The egg smells ______. You mustn't eat it.
A. badly B. well C. bad D. good
94.It's rainy. Let's _____ play basketball. Let's play chess ______.
A. not,instead of B. no,instead of C. no,instead D. not,instead
95.He is not ______. He has a lot of friends _____ him on the island.
A. lone,with B. alone,with C. lone,on D. alone,on
96.He is not a worker ________. This sentence means " He _______ a worker.
A. any more,is not any more B. no more,is not any more
C. no more ,is no more D. any more,is no more
97.I didn』t leave home this morning ______ I finished listening to the news.
A. when B. if C. after D. until
98.「Summer holidays are coming. What are you going to do?」 「I』m not sure. ______」
A. Dad may will take me to our hometown. B. Dick and me maybe visit a few cities.
C. Maybe Tom will teach me swimming. D. I may be write a story.
99.There』s nothing wrong with you, but I』m afraid you ________.
A. have a problem B. had a question
C. will have a question D. will have a problem
100.It』s too cold. Keep the door ______, please.
A. opening B. closed C. open D. close
101.The children went for a picnic _______ yesterday afternoon.
A. in B. / C. on D. At
102.We don』t have enough paper _______.
A. to write B. write it C. to write on D. writing
103.We must always wait for a bus _______ a line.
A. at B. on C. of D. in
104.This lesson is _______ interesting than the other two.
A. many more B. much more C. much D. very
105.The teacher didn』t know what _______.
A. is the matter B. was the matter
C. the matter is D. the matter was
106.I can look after the baby. You ______ stay here.
A. mustn』t B. needn』t to
C. haven』t to D. don』t have to
107.Where is Jack ________ when he _______ the housework?
A. go … finish B. going… finishes
C goes … finish D going to do … finishes
108.Mother is busy. She ________ work to do.
A. have many B had much C has a lot D has much
109.If you were on time, we wouldn't keep ________ you.
A. to wait for B to waiting for
C waiting for D wait
110.Would you like to have _________ more mplings?
A a little B a few C little D few

『陸』 八年級期中考試試題



『柒』 八年級上冊 英語期中考試卷 人教版


1.What about ______after class?

A play football B play the football C playing football

2.Look at these new words .Please__________.

A write it down B write them down C write down them

3.Do you enjoy _______English ?

A saying B talking C speaking

4.-----What should I do ? ------______a deep breath and smile.

A Have B Take C make

5.Try _____to translate every word.

A not B don』t C doesn』t

6.Can you give me some _______?

A advice B advices C advise

7.----Where』s your homework?-----Oh,I ______ it at home .

A forget B remember C left

8.It』s important______ her to learn a foreign language.

A for B to C with

9.I spend 5 minutes______ to school on foot.

A go B going C to go

10.There are two new cars.One is mine,and _______ is the manager』s.

A.other B.another C.the other

11.She』s ________ America many times.

A.gone to B.been C.been to

12.They learn English _________ the radio every day.

A.by B.at C.on

13.I』ve ____ him but I don』t know him.

A.heard about B.heard C.hear

14.There ____ life on Earth for many years.

A.is B.has been C.have been

15.---Where is Li Lei? --- He ______ the librart.

A.has been to B.has gone to C.have gone to

16.Since 1998 Project Hope ________ schools all over the world.

A.built B.has built C.have built

17.You never go to the movies ,___________?

A.don』t you B.do you C.doesn』t you

18.There are ______ people in our town.

A.thousand B.two thousands C.thousands of

19.Vinna is an old city _________ the River Danube.

A.in B.on C.at

20.Not only your parents but also my father_________ become a teacher.

A.are B.have C.has

21.Xian Xinhai is famous_________ the song The Yelow River.

A.as B.for C.to

22.When the teacher came in,the students_________ about the film.

A.are talking B.were talking C.talked

23.Look!There is a monkey ________ the tree.

A.in B.on C.into

24.Mr Smith teaches ________ English.

A.our B.us C.we

25.__________ is a good idea to read English every day.

A.It B.That C.This

26.Smiling always__________ .

A.help B.helping C.helps

27.Sally has invited me ______ with her in England one day.

A. stay B.to stay C.staying

28.________ of them got the right answer.

A.No one B. Nobody C.None

29.I can speak _________ English.

A.a little B. many C.nothing

30---.____________ have you studied English?

----Since 2001.

A.How often B.How much C.How long


Mike was a little boy.One day he went with his father to a small town to ___1__ his grandparents.

___2__the train,Mike put his head out of the window every minutes.His farther said「Mike,be _3____ !Don』t put your head out of the window!」But Mike didn』t hear his father and went on putting his head out of the window.His father could do _____4___.

Then Mike』s father wanted to play a joke on his son.He took Mike』s cap quickly,hid it __5__ his back and said「You see,your cap has __6_ away.」Mike touched his head and it was really gone.The boy looked _7_ and then began to cry.He wanted to get his cap back.

「Don』t worry,son.」said his father.「I have a strang餓 way to get your cap back.」

「__8__ can you get it back?」Asked Mike in surprise.

His father said,「Close your eyes and whistle(吹口哨) once,and maybe your cap will come back.」 Mike came up to the window ,close his eyes and whistled.Just at that moment ,his father quickly put the cap on his son』s head.

「Oh!It was __9__ !」Mike laughed(笑).He was pleased ,then he quickly took his father』s cap and _10__ it out of the window.「Now it is your turn to whistle ,Dad!」He said happily.

1.A look B see C. watch

2.A At B To C. In

3.A careful B carefuly C careless

4.A nothing B anything C any

5.A before B behind C after

6.A thrown B sent C flown

7.A worried B glad C happy

8.A Why B How C What

9.A wonderful B bad C lovely

10.A.throw B brought C got



Have you ever been ill?When you are ill,you must be unhappy because your body becomes hot,and there are pains(疼痛) all over you body.You don』t want to work,and you stay in bed,felling very sad.

What makes us ill?it is germs.Germs are everywhere.They are very small and you can』t find them with your eyes,but you can see them wih a microscope(顯微鏡).They are very very small and there could be hundreds of them on a very small thing.Germs are always found in dirty(臟的) water. When we look at dirty water under the microscope,we shall see them in it. So your father and mother will not let you drink dirty water,

Germs aren』t found only in water.They are found in air and st(灰塵).If you cut your finger,if some of the st from the floor goes into the cut,some of the germs would go into your fnger.Your finger would become big and red,and you will have much pain in it.Sometimes the germs would go into all of your body ,and you wuld have pain everywhere.

1.Which of the following is true?

A.If things are very very small,they are germs.

B.If things can』t be seen,they must be germs.

C.Germs are everywhere around us.

2.What is a microscope used for?

A.Making very very samll thing look much bigger.

B.Making very big thing look much smaller.

C.Helping you if you can』t things clearly.

3.Why don』t your parents let you drink dirty water?

A.You haven』t looked at carefully.

B.Water can』t be drunk in this way.

C.There must be a lot of germs in it.

4Which of the following is not true?

A.Germs can be found both in water and in the air.

B.Germs can go into your finger if it is cut.

C.If your finger isn』t cut,there aren』t any germs on it.

5.What』s the main idea of the passage?

A.Germs may make us ill.

B.Germs are in dirty water.

C.Don』t drink dirty water.


One day Tom and Bill went out for a walk.On the road they saw a lot of people and went up and had a look. Oh dear!There was a cow in the middle if the road. It would not move.The cars and buses could not get pass.Then a policeman came.」Whose cow is this?」,he asked,」It』s mine」.said a famer.」 But I can』t move it.」 The policeman and the famer did their best to move the cow,but it would not move.Tom and Bill laughed,but the drivers of cars and buses were worried.」We can』t move the cow,」 the famer and the policeman said.」What shall we do?」

「Give him a cabbage」.Tom said. 「That』s a good idea!」 said the famer. Soon he found a cabbage and showed it to the cow.When the cow saw the cabbage,it walked after the famer at once. All tge cars abd buses could get past at last.

6.One day Tom and Bill were___________.

A.on their way to school

B.on their way to school

C.not busy with any work

7.What did Tom and Bill do when they saw a lot of people on the road?

A.They went away.

B.They went up to see what happened.

C.They asked the people for imformation.

8.Who gave a good idea?

A.Tom and Billl B.Tom C. Bill

9.Why didn』t the cow move itself at first?

A.Because so many people watching it.

B.Because it was hungry.

C.Because there were too many cars and buses there.

10.Why did a policeman come?

A.Because someone was killed on the way.

B.Because a car and a bus hit each other.

C.Because the buses and cars couldn』t get past.


1. How can I improve my ________(listen)?

2. I have always ________(want )to travel around the world .

3. She __________(be) a student for six years .

4. Project Hope ________(raise )money since 1989.

5. She 『s never _______(speak)to a foreigner.

6. She ___________(lie )in bed when I came in.

7. What are you thinking of _____(do)?

8. It 『s important for him ______ (work) on their farm.

9. Alice had nothing_________ (do).

10. She saw it __________ (go) down a large rabbit hole.


1. You should learn from Wei Fang.(改為否定句)

You ______ _______from Wei Fang.

2. Why don』t you write it down?(改為同義句)

_________ __________ write it down?

3. She can help me do my homework. (改為同義句)

She can __________ me ________ my homework.

4. We have ever wanted to visit the USA.(改為一般疑問句)

________ you wanted to visit the USA_________ ?

5.The boy was listening to the teacher.(對劃線部分提問)

_________ was the boy _______?


1.There has been life on earth for million of years.

A B C ( ) ____

2.No one of them has an environment with air.

A B C ( ) ____

3.The teacher is geting on well with us.

A B C ( ) ____

4.Because Project Hope ,thousands of children have better lives.

A B C ( ) ____

5.A white rabbit and pink eyes ran after by her.

A B C ( ) ____


請根據表格內容,就Gina,Tony和 Junie提出一些建議,用英語寫一篇50詞左右的短文。


go to bed early
watch too much TV

too worried about the exams
listen to some music
study late

do some exercise
eat too much meat

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