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❶ 新風尚大學實用英語綜合教程4(上海交通大學出版社)的課文翻譯。






1、Remember, keep a positive attitudeandgood things will happen.


2、The world breaks everyone,andafterward, many are stronger at the broken places.


3、For what do we live, but to make sport for our neighbours,andlaugh at them in our turn?


4、Good luck is when an opportunity comes alongandyou're prepared for it.

❷ 大學實用英語綜合教程第四版答案


❸ 跪求21世紀大學實用英語綜合教程第四冊的課後答案

Unit 1-4

Part II vocabulary and structure

Section A

1. decision 2. dishonest 3. achievement 4.successful 5. unfortunate

Section B

1. shortly 2. however 3. in honor of 4. basic 5. created

6. skills 7. applied 8. fear 9. lead to 10. grateful

Section C

1. whether to refuse him or not 2. seeing that teacher

3. on May 30, 1789, in France

4. the more questions they are unable to answer

5. when and where to meet him

6. hearing the news

7. sees himself as a hero of the country

8. nothing so valuable as/ nothing more valuable than

9. when he was crossing the street

10. look upon their teachers as their enemies.

Part III

1. B 2. A 3. D 4. C 5. B 6. D 7. B 8. C 9. C 10. A

Part IV

1. without 2. to 3. little 4. as 5. how 6. forward 7. from

8. balance 9. position 10. rather

Part V translation

1. to handle the stress in life, you must look upon yourself from a different perspective and make the transition from a person dependent on his family for emotional support to a person responsible for himself.

2. since I have grown up, all the decisions are up to me no matter what life has in store for me.

3. it suddenly came to him that a complicated code made up of dots and dashes could be used to deliver secret messages.

4. it is fitting to say thank you to my mother on the occasion of Mother』s Day because mother keeps me on the right path and always gives a hand when she is needed.

5. a good athlet is able to run for a long time without getting tried because he uses as little energy as needed to move himself forward.

❹ 21世紀大學實用英語綜合教程第四冊unit4-7課文翻譯 帶鏈接


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❻ 21世紀大學實用英語綜合教程練習冊第四冊答案

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❼ 求21世紀大學實用英語綜合教程第四冊的聽力原文

http://bbs.sbs.e.cn/read.php?tid=1293,這上面只有一到四的,五到八的沒找到 答案補充 去聽力教室:http://www.tingroom.com/非常好的英語回聽力網站,裡面答小學、初中、高中、大學、4、6級、考研、瘋狂英語、商務英語、VOA、BBC、英文歌曲、帶字幕的原聲電影……聽力材料,視頻都有。很多資料都可以免費下載。去找找吧,肯定能找到你想要的。

❽ 21世紀大學實用英語綜合教程第四冊reading aloud

Unit 1
If great achievers share anything, said Simonton, it is an unrelenting drive to succeed. 「There's a tendency to think that they are endowed with something super-normal,」 he explained. 「But what comes out of the research is that there are great people who have no amazing intellectual processes. It's a difference in degree. Greatness is built upon tremendous amounts of study, practice and devotion.
He cited Winston Churchill, Britain's prime minister ring World War 2, as an example of a risk-taker who would never give up. Thrust into office when his country's morale was at its lowest, Churchill rose brilliantly to lead the British people. In a speech following the Allied evacuation at Dunkirk in 1940, he inspired the nation when he said, 「We shall not flag or fail. We shall go on to the end... We shall never surrender.」


Unit 2
Some persons refrain from expressing their gratitude because they feel it will not be welcome. A patient of mine, a few weeks after his discharge from the hospital, came back to thank his nurse. 「I didn't come back sooner,」 he explained, 「because I imagined you must be bored to death with people thanking you.」
「On the contrary,」 she replied, 「I am delighted you came. Few realize how much we need encouragement and how much we are helped by those who give it.」
Gratitude is something of which none of us can give too much. For on the smiles, the thanks we give, our little gestures of appreciation, our neighbors build up their philosophy of life.

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