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『壹』 七年級上冊英語重點內容


『貳』 新人教版初一上學期的英語知識點講解。

母音5個,a、e、i、o、u,主要用於不定冠詞a和an的區別上:a用於輔音發音前,an用於母音發音前。一般說來,母音字母發母音,輔音字母發輔音,但需請注意以下3種情況:1.拼寫以輔音字母開頭讀音卻以母音開頭的單詞hour, honest, honor;2.拼寫以母音字母開頭讀音卻以輔音開頭的單詞useful, university, usual, European, united, one-eyed, one-way;3.英文字母前用a還是用an的問題在26個英文字母中,a, e, i, o, f, h, l, m, n, r, s, x等12個字母的讀音是以母音開頭的,其餘字母則是以輔音開頭的,如:Please pay attention to your spelling. You have dropped an 「m」 here.
英文中常用姓氏:Smith, Miller,Johnson, Brown, Jones, Williams,姓氏用因為表示成family name或last name,放在名字的最後;前面的部分是名,用英文表示成given name或first name。
英文稱呼:M r.男性(包括已婚和未婚),譯為先生;M rs(女性已婚),譯為夫人;M iss(女性未婚)譯為小姐,或老師,已婚和未婚女性統稱Ms。
稱呼後面一般只能加姓氏,不能加名,如M r Smith(姓)譯為史密斯先生。
初次見面用how do you do來問候對方,熟人見面才用how are you來問候。
人稱種類 單復數 主格 中文
意思 實義動詞 系動詞 賓格 形容詞性
物主代詞 名詞性
物主代詞 反身代詞
第一人稱 單數 I 我 do am me my mine myself
復數 we 我們 do are us our ours ourselves
第二人稱 單數 you 你 do are you your yours yourself
復數 you 你們 do are you your yours yourselves
第三人稱 單數 he 他 does is him his his himself
she 她 does is her her hers herself
it 它 does is it its its itself
復數 they 他們 do are them their theirs themselves
speak、say和talk的區別:speak後面直接加語言,如speak English;say後面加說話內容,如say a word;talk是談論的意思,三個句型:talk to sb(對某人說話,強調單方面),如Zhangsan talks to Lisi(張三對李四說話,強調張三佔主動);talk with sb(和誰談話,強調雙方),如Zhangsan talks with Lisi(張三和李四談話,強調互相交流);talk about sth(談論某事,about後面強調談論的內容)
在年、月、早上、下午、晚上前用介詞in,如in 2013,in January,in the morning/afternoon/evening。
在具體的日期、具體的某天早上、中午晚上前用介詞on,如on May 1st,on a cold morning/afternoon/evening
to通常與動詞構成片語,如go to school,當to後面所接的詞是副詞時,省略介詞to。常見的副詞home、here、there
At後面通常接時間或者法,尤其注意orange的各種詞性。作可數名詞,譯為橘子;作不可數名詞,譯為橙汁;作形容詞地點,如at 8:00,at home
10.熟悉各種顏色的寫,譯為橙色的。如:The orange and this bottle of orange are orange譯為這個橘子和這瓶橙汁都是橙色的;對顏色提問用what color。
12.可數名詞是可以用來計數的名詞,並且有單數和復數形式。如:desk-desks, apple-apples等。不可數名詞是不可以直接用來計數的名詞,沒有復數形式,只有單數形式。如:some bread,some milk等。單數可數名詞表示泛指時,前面要用不定冠詞a(an),表示特指時,前面要用定冠詞th;而不可數名詞前不能用a(an)修飾,表示特指時,前面一定要用定冠詞the。可數名詞和不可數名詞前都可以用some, any, a lot of, lots of等來修飾,表示"一些,許多"可數名詞前可用具體的數詞來表示具體的數量。如:two apples, four books等。不可數名詞前通常用"單位詞+of"來表示數量。如: a piece of paper, three pieces of paper等。可數名詞作主語時,謂語動詞的單復數與主語的單復數保持一致。如:This picture is very beautiful. 這幅畫很美。不可數名詞作主語時,謂語動詞要用單數形式,但是不可數名詞前有復數"單位詞"時,謂語動詞要用復數形式。如:There are two cups of tea on the table. 桌上有兩杯茶。對可數名詞前的修飾語提問用how many表示多少; 對不可數名詞前的修飾語提問用how much表示多少。 如:How many apples are there in the box?盒子里有多少個蘋果?(可數)How much tea is there in the cup?杯里有多少茶水?(不可數)注意:對不可數名詞前的"單位詞"的修飾語提問時,疑問詞用how many。如:How many pieces of bread are there on the plate?盤子里有多少片麵包?
14.可數名詞變復數的規則:①直接在名詞末尾加s,如:desk- desks②以 s, x, sh, ch結尾的加es,如:box- boxes, brush- brushes, match-matches③以y結尾,前為輔音字母,要變y為 i + es,如:baby- babies,但前為母音字母時,直接加s,如:boy- boys④以f/ fe 結尾,要變f為v+ es,如:knife- knives,但有例外,如roof-roofs⑤以 o 結尾,外大部分詞直接加s,如:zoo- zoos,hero-heros但:tomato- tomatoes, potato- potatoes
15.系動詞又叫be動詞,一般譯為:「是」,包括is,am,are,根據句子中不同的人稱、名詞數量應該選擇相應的be動詞。代詞中第一人稱單數形式,用am;第三人稱單數形式,用is;第一人稱復數、第二人稱、第三人稱的復數形式,則用are,具體見第一頁表格。但當名詞作主語時,要結合名詞的種類和數量選擇be動詞,不可數名詞和可數名詞單數作主語,系動詞用is,可數名詞復數做主語系動詞用are。如:The bread(不可數名詞)is mine麵包是我的,This teacher(名詞單數)is my mother這個老師是我媽媽,These books(名詞復數)are new這些書是新的
16.thank you for+原因,感謝某事,如thank you for your help,也可寫成thanks for your help感謝你的幫助
17.代詞用在介詞和動詞之後用賓格,如give it to her(her為賓格,用在介詞to後),help me(me為賓格,用在動詞help後)
18.ask sb for sth向某人索取(要)某物,如ask him for an apple向他要一個蘋果(注意him是賓格用在動詞ask後)
19.call sb給某人打電話,如call her給她打電話(her為賓格用在動詞call後),call sb at+電話號碼,給某人打電話撥打,如call me at 131********
20.情態動詞must、can、could、may、might等。情態動詞之後必須加動詞原形,即動詞不根據主語和時態的變化而變化,如He must go home。他必須回家,must譯為必須。can表示一種能力,能夠的意思,如She can swim她會游泳。
21.play後面直接加球類,不加任何冠詞,如play football,但play加樂器必須加定冠詞the,如play the piano彈鋼琴
22.let sb do sth讓某人做某事,如:let me help you。(me和you都是賓格,因為都用在動詞之後,都指動詞原形)
23.形容詞修飾名詞,如 a beautiful girl一個漂亮的女孩,副詞修飾動詞,如run quickly跑得很快。
25.it』s+形容詞+for+sb對某人來說怎麼樣,如:It』s easy for me對我來說很簡單(me是賓格用在介詞for之後)
26.want sth想要某物,如I want an apple我想要個蘋果;want(sb)to do sth想讓(某人)做某事,如I want to play
27.一般疑問句的構成:①含系動詞be的一般疑問句的構成:具體地說,就是當陳述句中有am /is / are時,可直接將它們提至主語前,但遇第一人稱,將其換成第二人稱。如:I'm in Class 2, Grade 1→Are you in Class 2, Grade 1?你是在一年級二班嗎?②含情態動詞的一般疑問句的構成:情態動詞與am / is / are一樣,也是直接將它們提至主語前,如:I can spell it. →Can you spell it? 你會拼寫它嗎?③含實義動詞的一般疑問句的構成:要在句首引進助動詞do;如逢主語為第三人稱單數,do變為does,並且之後出現的動詞要變回原形;如She lives in Beijing. →Does she live in Beijing? 她住在北京嗎?有時陳述句中的some還要變作any等。如:There are some books on the desk→Are there any books on the desk。
28.一般現在時的否定構成:①含系動詞be的一般現在時否定構成:就是在系動詞am /is / are後面直接加not。如:I am a student→I am not a student②含情態動詞的一般現在時否定構成:也是直接在情態動詞後加not,如:I can spell it. →I can not spell it我不會拼寫它③含實義動詞的一般現在時否定構成:要在動詞之前引進助動詞do;如逢主語為第三人稱單數,do變為does,並且之後出現的動詞要變回原形;She lives in Beijing. →She doesn』t live in Beijing? 她不住在北京。有時陳述句中的some還要變作any等。There are some books on the desk→There aren』t any books on the desk。

『叄』 初一上冊英語所有重點

初一上冊英語所有知識點及練習:【知識梳理】 I. 重點短語1. Sit down2. on ty3. in English4. have a seat5. at home6. look like7. look at8. have a look9. come on10. at work11. at school12. put on13. look after14. get up15. go shoppingII. 重要句型1. help sb. do sth.2. What about…?3. Let』s do sth.4. It』s time to do sth.5. It』s time for …6. What』s…? It is…/ It』s…7. Where is…? It』s….8. How old are you? I』m….9. What class are you in? I』m in….10. Welcome to….11. What』s …plus…? It』s….12. I think…13. Who』s this? This is….14. What can you see? I can see….15. There is (are) ….16. What colour is it (are they)? It』s (They』re)…17. Whose …is this? It』s….18. What time is it? It』s….III. 交際用語1. Good morning, Miss/Mr….2. Hello! Hi!3. Nice to meet you. Nice to meet you, too.4. How are you? I』m fine, thank you/thanks. And you?5. See you. See you later.6. Thank you! You』re welcome.7. Goodbye! Bye!8. What』s your name? My name is ….9. Here you are. This way, please.10. Who』s on ty today?11. Let』s do.12. Let me see.IV. 重要語法1. 動詞be的用法;2. 人稱代詞和物主代詞的用法;3. 名詞的單復數和所有格的用法;4. 冠詞的基本用法;5. There be句型的用法。【名師講解】1. in/on 在表示空間位置時,in表示在某個空間的范圍以內,on表示在某一個物體的表面之上。例如: There is a bird in the tree. 樹上有隻鳥。 There is a picture on the wall. 牆上有張圖。2. this/that/these/those (1)this常常用來指在時間、地點上更接近講話人的人和事,these是this的復數形式。that常常用來指在時間、地點上離講話人更遠一點的人和事,those時that的復數形式。例如: You look in this box and I』ll look in that one over there.你看看這個盒子,我去看那邊的那個盒子。 I want this car, not that car. 我想要這輛小汽車,不是那一輛。 Take these books to his room, please. 請把這些書拿到他房間去。 This is mine; that』s yours. 這個是我的,那個是你的。 These are apples; those are oranges. 這些是蘋果,那些是橘子。 (2)在打電話的用語中,this常常指的是我,that常常指的是對方。例如: This is Mary speaking. Who』s that? 我是瑪麗。你是誰?3. There be/ haveThere be "有",其確切含意為"某處或某時存在某人或某物。"其結構是:There be + 某人或某物 + 表示地點或時間的狀語。There be 後面的名詞實際上是主語,be 動詞的形式要和主語在數上保持一致,be動詞後面的名詞是單數或不可數名詞時用is,名詞是復數時用are。例如:(1) There is a big bottle of coke on the table. 桌上有一大瓶子可樂。(2) There is a doll in the box. 那個盒子里有個娃娃。(3) There are many apples on the tree. 那樹上有許多蘋果。總之,There be結構強調的是一種客觀存在的"有"。have表示"擁有,佔有,具有",即:某人有某物(sb. have / has sth.)。主語一般是名詞或代詞,與主語是所屬關系。例如:(4) I have two brothers and one sister.我有兩個兄弟,一個姐姐。(5) That house has four rooms.那所房子有四個房間。4. look/ see/ watch (1)look 表示「看、瞧」,著重指認真看,強調看的動作,表示有意識地注意看,但不一定看到,以提醒對方注意。,如:Look! The children are playing computer games. 瞧!孩子們在玩電腦游戲。Look! What』s that over there? 看!那邊那個是什麼?單獨使用是不及物動詞,如強調看某人/物,其後接介詞at,才能帶賓語,如:He』s looking at me。他正在看著我。(2)see強調「看」的結果,著重的是look這個動作的結果,意思是「看到」,see是及物動詞,後面能直接跟賓語。如:What can you see in the picture? 你能在圖上看到什麼?Look at the blackboard. What did you see on it?看黑板!你看到了什麼?(3)watch「觀看,注視」,側重於場面,表示全神貫注地觀看、觀察或注視某事務的活動,強調過程,常用於「看電視、看足球、看演出」等。如:Yesterday we watched a football match on TV.昨天我們從電視上看了一場足球比賽。4. put on/ / in put on意為「穿上,戴上」。主要指「穿上」這一動作, 後面接表示服裝、鞋帽的名詞。in 是介詞,表示「穿著」強調狀態。在句中可以做定語、標語和狀語。如:It』s cold outside, put on your coat. 外面冷,穿上你的外衣。He puts on his hat and goes out. 他戴上帽子,走了出去。The woman in a white blouse is John』s mother.穿白色襯衣的那個婦女是John的媽媽。5. house/ home/familyhouse :「房子」,指居住的建築物; Home: 「家」,指一個人同家人共同經常居住的地方; Family: 「家庭「,「家庭成員」。例如:Please come to my house this afternoon. 今天下午請到我家來。He is not at home. 他不在家。My family all get up early. 我們全家都起得很早。6. fine, nice, good, well四者都可用作形容詞表示"好"之意,但前三者既可作表語又可作定語,而後者僅用作表語。主要區別在於: (1) fine指物時表示的是質量上的"精細",形容人時表示的是"身體健康",也 可以用來指"天氣晴朗"。例如:Your parents are very fine. 你父母身體很健康。That's a fine machine. 那是一台很好的機器。It's a fine day for a walk today. 今天是散步的好時候。(2)nice主要側重於人或物的外表,有"美好","漂亮"的意思,也可用於問候或贊揚別人。例如:Lucy looks nice. 露西看上去很漂亮。These coats are very nice. 那些裙子很好看。Nice to meet you. 見到你很高興。It's very nice of you. 你真好。(3)good形容人時指"品德好",形容物時指"質量好",是表示人或物各方面都好的普通用語。例如:Her son is a good student. 她兒子是一個好學生。The red car is very good. 那輛紅色小汽車很好。(4)well只可用來形容人的"身體好",但不能作定語,它也能用作副詞作狀語,多放在所修飾的動詞之後。例如:I'm very well, thanks. 我身體很好,謝謝。My friends sing well. 我的朋友們歌唱得好。【考點掃描】中考考點在本單元主要集中在:1. 動詞be的用法;2. 人稱代詞和物主代詞的用法;3. 名詞的單復數和所有格的用法;4. 冠詞的基本用法;5. There be句型的用法。6. 本單元學過的詞彙、短語和句型;7. 本單元學過的日常交際用語。考試形式可以是單項填空、完型填空、短文填空、完成句子。【中考範例】1. (2004年北京市中考試題) Mary, please show ________ your picture. A. my B. mine C. I D. me【解析】答案:D。該題考查的是人稱代詞和物主代詞的用法。本題中動詞show後面跟雙賓語,空白處應填入人稱代詞的賓格me作賓語。2. (2004年上海市徐匯區中考試題) _________ orange on the desk is for you, Mike. A. A B.An C. / D. The【解析】答案:D。該題考查的是冠詞的基本用法。因為是特指課桌上的那個橘子,所以用定冠詞the。3. (2004年哈爾濱市中考試題) ---What _______ the number of the girls in your class? ---About twenty. A. is B. am C. are D. be【解析】答案:A。該題考查的是動詞be的用法和主謂一致。the number作主語,應該是單數第三人稱,動詞be變為is。4. (2004年陝西省中考試題) There _______ a football match on TV this evening. A. will have B. is going to be C. has D. is going to have【解析】答案:B。該題考查的是There be…句型和動詞have用法區別。There be句型本身就表示「在某個地方存在某個人或物」,不能和動詞have混在一起用。【滿分演練】一. 單項填空1. ---What colour is the bike? ---It』s _______ orange.A. an B. a C. / D. the2. That isn』t her bag. It』s ________. A. my B. I C. mine D. me3. ---Oh, your kite is very nice. ---__________________. A. That』s right B. No, it』s not nice C. Yes, it is D. Thank you4. The woman is sixty, but she _______ young. A. is B. sees C. looks D. watches5. It』s time ________ lunch. Let』s go home. A. to B. in C. for D. on6. ---________ is your coat? ---The black one. A. What B. Where C. Which D. How7. ---________ is the toy? ---It』s on the bed. A. Who B. Where C. What D. Whose8. The shoes are too old. Put ________ over there. A. it B. they C. their D. them9. Excuse me. Can you _______ my watch, please? A. look B. look like C. look after D. look at10. Look _______ the blackboard and listen _______ the teacher. A. / / B. at; to C. after; / D. on; after11. ---Whose dress is this? ---It』s _________. A. Lucy B. Lucy』s C. Jim D. Jim』s12. The girl ______ the purple coat is his sister. A. at B. in C. on D. with13. There is a bird ______ the tree. A. in B. on C. to D. of14. There are many ________ in our school. A. woman teachers B. woman teacher C. women teacher D. women teachers15. ---Is there a ball under the desk? ---______________________. A. Yes, it is B. Yes, there』s C. No, there isn』t D. No, there is16. There _______ some books and a pencil on the desk. A. am B. is C. are D. be17. ---Let me help you. ---_______________. A. You』re welcome B. Thanks very much C. Don』t worry D. Yes, thanks18. ______ old man is ______ English teacher. A. The; an B. An; an C. The; the D. A; a19. ---What _____ five plus six? ---It』s eleven. A. am B. is C. are D. /20. ---What ______ you see in the picture? ---I can see some flowers. A. must B. can C. are D. do二. 完形填空 This is a picture of Kat』s ____1____. What can we ____2_____ in the picture? Look ____3____ it, please. The man ____4____ the black coat is Kate』s father, Mr. Green. The ____5____ in the red sweater is Mrs. Green. They ____6____ young. The baby is Kate. The little boy is Kate』s ____7_____, Jim. ___8____ the man behind Mrs. Green? Oh, he』s ____9___ brother, Mr. Read. He ____10____ young, too.1. A. families B. family C. parents D. brothers2. A. look B. do C. see D.put3. A. at B. after C. for D. up4. A. on B. of C. in D. to5. A. man B. girl C. women D. woman6. A. are B. is C. look like D. looking7. A. sister B. brother C. father D. aunt8. A. What』s B. Where』s C. Who』s D. How is9. A. his B. her C. our D. their10. A. looks B. am C. look D. very三. 在B欄中找出A欄英語句子的正確答語 (A) (B)1. How are you? A. I am in Row 6.2. Can you spell it, please? B. Fine, thank you.3. How do you do? C. Yes, b-o-o-k, book.4. What row are you in? D. It is ten.5. What』s two plus eight? E. Nice to meet you, too.6. Nice to meet you. F. I am 14.7. How old are you? G. Wang Ping is.8. Who』s not here? H. It』s here.9. Where is the bag? I. It』s a book.10. What is this in English? J. How do you do?四. 完成對話:在對話後面的句子中選出正確的填入空白處Jim: Excuse me, Ann. Whose black dog is this? Is it yours?Ann: Let me have a look.________1_______. I think it』s Sam』s. My dog is brown.Jim: Sam, look at the dog behind the tree.________2__________?Sam: Sorry, it isn』t mine. My dog is black and white. I think it looks like Mary』s.Jim: _____________3______________?Sam: She』s my friend. Look! She』s over there. Let』s go and ask her.Jim: _______________4_______________.Sam: Hi, Mary! Is that dog yours?Mary: _______________5_______________.Sam: It』s a lovely dog! Don』t lose it!Mary: Yes, thank you.A. Who』s MaryB. OK, let』s goC. Oh, no it』s not mineD. Oh, yes. It』s mineE. Is it yours五. 用所給單詞的適當形式填空1. ________ (He) pen is in ______ (I) pencil-box.2. ________ (You) shoes ________ (be) under the bed.3. ________ (Who) new ruler is this?4. ---Are these trousers _______ (you)? ---No, they aren』t ________ (we)5. It』s time ________ (go) and play games.6. This is my pen. Please give it to ________ (I).7. I have two ________ (baby).8. Look! That is a ________ (China) car.9. It is __________ (my teacher) sweater.10. Now her ________ ( parent) are in America.

『肆』 七年級上冊英語重點

我(I)用am, 你(you)用are,is跟著他(he),她(she),它(it)。單數名詞用is,復數名詞全用are。變否定,更容易,be後not加上去。變疑問,往前提,句末問號莫丟棄。還有一條須注意,句首大寫莫忘記。
(2)距離說話人近的人或物用this, 距離說話人遠的人或物用that。如:
This is a flower. 這是一朵花。(近處)
That is a tree. 那是一棵樹。(遠處)
(3)放在一起的兩樣東西,先說this, 後說that。如:
This is a pen. That is a pencil. 這是一支鋼筆。那是一支鉛筆。
(4)向別人介紹某人時說This is…, 不說That is…。如:
This is Helen. Helen, this is Tom. 這是海倫,海倫,這是湯姆。
(5)This is 不能縮寫, 而That is可以縮寫。如:
This is a bike. That』s a car. 這是一輛自行車。那是一輛轎車。
(6)打電話時,介紹自己用this, 詢問對方用that。如:
—Hello! Is that Miss Green? 喂,是格林小姐嗎?
—Yes, this is. Who』s that? 是的,我是,你是誰?
注意:雖然漢語中使用「我」和「你」,但英語中打電話時絕不可以說:Iam…, Are you…?/Who are you?
(7)在回答this或that作主語的疑問句時, 要用it代替this或that。如:
①—Is this a notebook? 這是筆記本嗎?
—Yes, it is. 是的,它是。
②—What』s that? 那是什麼?
—It』s a kite. 是只風箏。

this, that, these和those是指示代詞,these是this的復數形式,指時間,距離較近的或下面要提到的人或事;those是that的復數形式,指時間、距離較遠或前面已經提到過的人或事物。
①This is my bed. That is Lily』s bed. 這是我的床。那是莉莉的床。
②These pictures are good. 那些畫很好。
③ Are those apple trees? 那些是蘋果樹嗎?
④Are these/those your apples? 這些(那些)是你的蘋果嗎?
Yes, they are. 是的,他們是。

a和an都是不定冠詞,表示一(個,支,本,塊……)的意思,但不強調數量概念,而是強調類別,用來限定名詞。a用在輔音素開頭的單數名詞前,如:a pencil(一支鉛筆),a book(一本書);an用在母音音素開頭的名詞前,如an eraser(一塊橡皮)。如果名詞前有修飾語,用a還是用an,則以該修飾語的第一音素決定用a還是用an。如:
a clock 一座鍾 an old clock 一座舊鍾 a book 一本書 an English book 一本英語書
a nice apple 一個可愛的蘋果 anapple 一個蘋果


單數名詞後直接加 「 』s 」

Jim』s coat 吉姆的外套 Jeff』s mother傑夫的媽媽


Teachers』 Day教師節 the twins』 books雙胞胎的書

不以s結尾的不規則的名詞復數,加「 』s 」

Children』s Day 兒童節 men』s shoes男式鞋



Lucy and Lily』s mother 露茜和莉莉的媽媽(共同的媽媽,一個媽媽)

Lucy』s and Kate』s rooms 露茜和凱特的房間(各自的房間,兩間房子)

六.There be句型
(1)There be句型主要用以表達「某處(某時)有某人(某物)。」其基本結構為「There be+某物(某人)+某地(某時)」其中there是引導詞,沒有詞義;主語是be後面的名詞, be是謂語動詞,在一般現在時中be只用is和are兩種形式。下面這首歌訣可幫你巧記there be句型結構:
There be放句首,主語跟在後。地、時放句末,強調置前頭。如:
There is a book on the desk.
On the desk there is a book.
(2)There be句型中的be動詞如何確定呢?請先看看下面這首歌訣:
Be動詞,有三個,am,is還有are。「There be」真特別,不留am只留倆,那就是is還有are。要用is還是are,須看其後的名詞是單數還是復數。若是單數或不可數名詞用is,否則就用are。如:
①There is a tree behind the house.
②There is some water(水)in the bottle(瓶子).
③There are some pears in the box.
①There is a book and some pens on thefloor.
②There are some pens and a book on thefloor.

I like the baby very much. 我非常喜歡這個小孩。
(2)後接動名詞(v. -ing),表示「喜歡做某事」,著重於習慣、愛好。如:
Tom likes playing football. 湯姆喜歡踢足球。
(3)後接動詞不定式(to do ),表示「偶爾地喜歡做某事」,著重於某次具體的行為。如:
I like reading, but I like to watch TV thisevening. 我喜歡讀書,但我今晚想看電視。







We speak Chinese.



We don』t speak Chinese.



Do you speak Chinese?





Yes, we do.

No, we don』t.







She speaks Chinese.



She doesn』t speak Chinese.



Does she speak Chinese?





Yes, she does.

No, she doesn』t.

(1)主格人稱代詞要變成相應的復數主格人稱代詞,即I→we, you→you,she,he,it→they。如:
She is a girl. →They are girls.
I』m a student. →We are students.
He is a boy. →They are boys.
It is an apple. →They are apples.
This is a box. →These are boxes.

用英語表示日期,其順序為月+日+年,日和年之間需用逗號隔開。如:August 2nd,2003(2003年8月2日)。也可以用日+月+年來表示。如:10th May,2003(2003年5月10日)英語日期前介詞的使用:若指在哪一年或哪一月,則用介詞in,若具體到某一天,則需用介詞on。
①She was born in 1989
②She was born in August.
③She was born in August 1989.
④She was born on 2nd August, 1989.
在英語裡面,名詞分可數名詞(countable noun)和不可數名詞(uncountable noun),不可數名詞沒有單復數之分,用時只當單數詞用;可數名詞有單復數之分,一個的前面要用a或an,eg: a pencil, abasketball, a dictionary, an egg, an ID card,而復數即兩個或兩個以上的要作相應的變化,情況如下:
(1) 特殊詞,特殊變化,需單獨記:

(1) 直讀式,即直接讀出時間數字
7: 05 sevenfive 8:16 eight sixteen
(2) 過、差式,即幾點差幾分,幾點過幾分。(以30分為分界線)
1:25 twenty-five pastone 2:30 half past two
3:43 seventeen to four 4:38 twenty-two to five
6:00 a.m. 上午6點 8:20 p.m. 下午8點20分
13:00 13點鍾 22:15 22點15分
4:15 a quarter pastfour 5:45 a quarter to six
at 5 o』clock at 7:30 p.m.

①When is your birthday? 你的生日是什麼時候?
②My birthday is Dec. 29th. 我的生日是12月29日。
①When do you go home? 你幾點回家?
②I go home at 4:30 p.m. 我下午4:30回家.
(2)具體幾點我們通常用what time提問
①What time is it now? 現在幾點了? or What』s thetime? 幾點了?
It』s 9:26. 現在九點二十六。
②What time is it by yourwatch? 你手錶幾點了?
It』s 8:36. Oh, It』s 50 minutes late 8:36,哦,它慢了50分鍾。
③What time do you getup? 你幾點起床?
I get up at 6:00a.m. 我早上6點起床。

十四. want用法
(1)想干什麼用want to do sth
They want to join the sports club. 他們想加入運動俱樂部。
①He wants to play basketball.
②Li Xia wants to play the piano.
①-Do you want to play soccer ball ? -Yes , Ido . / No , I don』t.
②-Does he want to go home by bus ? -Yes , hedoes . / No , he doesn』t

『伍』 七年級英語上冊的重點知識

重點句型1.表達"自我介紹"的句型(1)My name is ...... 我叫........(2)I'm a +職業 我是一名.....(3)I'm+國籍 我是.....人(4)I'm from/come from..... 我來自....(5)I'm .... years old 我...歲了(6)I can .... 我會.......(7)I can't ..... 我不會.....2.一般疑問句句型 肯定回答 否定回答(1)Are you a new student? Yes,I am No,I am not(2)Are there any school offices? Yes,there are No,there aren't(3)Is there a computer on Miss Li's desk? Yes, there is No,there isn't(4)Can you ride a bike? Yes,I can No,I can't(5)Have you got a big family? Yes,I have No,I haven't(6)Does the panda come from China? Yes,it does No,it doesn't(7)Do you often go online? Yes,I do No,I don't特殊疑問句句型 回答(1)What's your name? My name is .........(2Where is the football match? It's at/in/on........(3)When is the magic show? It's at ......o'clock(4)What day is it today? It's Friday (5)How old is he? He's ........ years old(6)How many people are there in your family? There're ......(7)How do I write my homework on the computer? First,open a document........重點短語1.be from/come from 2.sit down 3.stand up 4.how many 5.how old 6.play football 來自 坐下 起立 多少 多大年齡 踢足球7.play the piano 8.speak English 9.have got 10.there be 11.in front of 彈鋼琴 講英語 (某人)擁有 (某處)有 在....前面12.next to 13.welcome to 14.thanks sb. for sth. 15.talk about 16.at the weekend 在...旁邊 歡迎到....... 為某事感謝某人 談論 在周末17.get up 18.go home 19.have a break 20.talk to 21.go to school 起床 回家 休息 與...談話 去上學22.do homework 23.go to bed 24.a pair of 25.lots of/a lot of 26.go to the cinema 做作業 上床睡覺 一雙 許多 去看電影27.go to concerts 28.think of 29.switch on 30.would like to 31.listen to music 去聽音樂會 想出 接通(電器) 想,要 聽音樂32.have breakfast/lunch/dinner 33.in the morning/afternoon/evening 34.have a party 吃早餐/午飯/晚餐 在早上/下午/晚上 舉行聚會35.send sb. sth. 36.write to 37.go online 給某人某物 給...寫信 上網

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