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發布時間: 2021-03-15 01:45:20

A. 用英語翻譯:既然我們相遇了,就要好好珍惜彼此,我會永遠愛你。


B. 外表堅強的你,我永遠都放不下英語怎麼翻譯

Strong as you are outwardly , I will never give you up .
你的採納是我們繼續答題的 動力O(∩_∩)O~

C. 翻譯成英文既然你們彼此那麼相愛,



D. 既然放不下,就讓我遠遠的望著你,願你每天快快樂樂的.用英語怎麼翻譯

Grow up one year old , happy birthday to you, Wish you happy every day!

E. 你不要總是這樣,你越這樣我越放不下.用英語怎麼說.翻譯.

don't always act like this,I'm not able to let go to see you like this

F. 「既然你們是好朋友,你們就應該相互包容,相互理解,有什麼困難一起度過」的英文翻譯是什麼

Since you are good friends, you should be mutual tolerance, mutual understanding, what is spent with the difficulties 謝謝採納

G. 用英語翻譯《既然你們在同一個辦公室上班,你怎麼可能對她避而不見呢

since you work in the same office, how can you turn a blind eye to her?

turn a blind eye to 對...視而不見

H. 既然你們不能在我身邊,我一個人也很好 用英語怎麼說

Although you do not stay with me,I am also very good

Although you have not accompanied side me,I may also be very good

I. 你既然無心,我也該放手。用英語怎麼翻譯

Since you have no heart to me, then I choose to let go.

J. 這一段話高手幫我翻譯成英語好嗎急。。。。

"This is friendship, and sometimes you Hendong each other's hearts, and sometimes you have found each other very strange. . At this time should be mutual tolerance and mutual understanding. Everyone life it is difficult to find close friends, as you found, I have to cherish each other. Very envious of your friendship. "

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