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發布時間: 2021-01-12 00:28:39

A. 高二英語課文翻譯

中 關 村無論中國將來會有什麼樣的偉大成就,其中許多很有可能會誕生在北京的西北部。位於北京海淀區的中關村是中國的新科技中心。它是中國科學院以及包括北京大學、清華大學在內的十多所著名大學的所在地。中關村是20世紀90年代末建成的一個經濟特區,它很快就成為中國高科技產業的領頭羊。中關村的科技園區早在80年代初期就開始創建了,當時,陳春先——一位中科院的研究員,開辦了一所私人研究發展機構。在隨後的10年中,一百多家高科技公司搬進了這個地區,新的高科技中心在原來的中關村園區的四周發展起來。它們都有著各自的特色,但是它們都具有中關村賴以成功的那種創新精神和科學技能。越來越多的海外華人抓住機會到國內來實現他們的理想,中關村科技園也就成為了他們的基礎。向裕方就是在海外學習和工作後歸來的華人之一。中關村使他有可能實現自己的夢想,同時為他所熱愛的國家做出自己的貢獻。「我到國為學習是因為我想多看看外邊的世界,並在我所學的領域里跟一些頂級科學家們一起工作。在國外,我從來沒有真正感到舒適,我思念祖國的一切。我取得碩士學位後,曾經想過回來,單身我找不到一家我能學有所用的公司。我在國外工作了幾年,後來才聽說了中關村。我知道,對我來說,那時最好不過的地方了。」裕方曾經和他在北京大學的朋友們談過,他們幫助裕方安排了回國事宜。於是他辭去了國外公司的工作,回到了北京。「我真高興,這太棒了,就象夢想成真一樣。我可以干我想乾的工作了。同時,我還可以為國家做點事情。我永遠不會忘記再次踏上中國的土地和我的朋友及親人團聚時,那種感覺是多麼幸福。裕方如今在中國已經三年了,一起都很順利。他住在北京,同兩位朋友一起在中關村經營這一家小公司。中關村無論對商業還是對科學都產生了積極的影響。眼下,這里有8000多家科技公司,其中一半以上是信息產業公司。中關村園區是中國電腦巨頭聯想公司和方正公司,以及20多家國際知名公司的所在地。這個園區口號之一是:「依靠科學技術和知識發展經濟實力。」 它闡明了科學和商業能夠而且必須結合在一起共創未來。另外一條口號有助於說明園區的成功之道,它是:「鼓勵創新,接受失敗。」偉大的科學成就乃是多年失敗的成果,也就是多年努力創造過去從未有過的事物而不斷失敗的成果。中關村的研究工作者和科學家們懂得,他們只有準備應付失敗,並從失敗中吸取教訓。他們才能登上頂峰。並不是所有的公司都會取得成功,他們所體現的那種精神和創造性卻比金錢更為重要。正如裕方所說:「我們現在還沒有掙到那麼多的錢,但是我們為所有這些在中關村富有活力的新技術和卓越的想法而感到激動不已。

B. 高二英語翻譯

It is hard to believe that he gave for his absence from school. (set from)
He was absent is he to do a part-time job. (set from)
Can you tell me that you think the solution to this problem? (set from)
Near a didn't buy fruits and vegetables supermarket? (set from)
I'll never forget that I worked for twenty years of place. (set from)
There was once a time, the sky is blue, it is the water is nice and clean. (set from)
My experiences in the countryside, is a DuanYongYuan in my memory of the period. (set from)
I have worked with children before, ___ (expect so I know that in this new job what will happen in: meaning I ready)
The English class to a half, she is out of the classroom, English teacher very angry. (halfway set, from)
If you are looking for a job, then you will be

C. 高二英語翻譯(必修五)

apart from going to the park,my movement is just around the neighbourhood.
a conclusion cannot be drawn with enough evidence.
scientific enquiry will contribute to the success of our project.
Gustave Eiffel was fully enthusiastic about his plan of building the metal tower which made him world-famous later.
he often put forward some unusual plans,and you should be caustious to that before joining in.
who rejected the theory of universe in the first place?
Fred is positive that his writing will get high marks,even though it does not make any sense.

D. 高二英語翻譯

6.Some students feel that the uniform is not only uncomfortable but also ll in color.
7.Some peple consider that it's not only old-fashion but also single style.

E. 高二學生用英語怎麼說

您好,可翻譯為:I am a study of Grade Two in my high school滿意速速採納.謝謝!
students of grade 2 in senior high school

F. 高二英語,文章翻譯


G. 高二英語翻譯中文


H. 高二英語 翻譯 謝謝

(1) Don't get your skin exposed in such a hot day

(2) He revealed this plan to several papers=He let off this plan to several media

I. 高二英語翻譯

We will carry on doing our research tomorrow.

It suddenly comes to me that I have met you before.

Shanghai will hold the World Expo 2010, which will ...

我們期待著瑪麗的到來。(look forward)
we are looking forward to Mary's coming.

Though having graated for several years,they still keep in touch with each other.

I don't approve of facelift.

學生們一個接一個地走進教室。(one after another)
The student walked into the classroom one after another.

We aimed to strive for a lasting world peace

A number of exciting football matches were seen to hold in the stadium.

這件事你應該報告警察。(be to do)
as to the matter,you were to report to the police.

Were Tom not taller than Jack,he would not shorter than him.

Making a plan is easier than carry one out.

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