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發布時間: 2021-03-15 05:08:55

㈠ 第一次干什麼英語作文40字

The first cooking
Once my mother was ill.So I must cook by myself.I want to cook for Mom.
When I cooked,I didn't know how to make fire,when to put the vegetables in the pot and I must ask my grandma on the telephone.
At last I took the dish to Mom.My Mom smiled to me.Although the taste of the dish was terrible.I was happy!

㈡ 第一次做飯的英語作文 200字左右 謝了

第一次做飯 The first cooking 人生有許許多多的第一次,有喜有悲,每個第一次都是值得你珍惜。我也有許許多多的第一次,就拿做飯來說把,我把我家的廚房弄得昰一團糟啊! Life have many for the first time, pregnant with sorrow, the first is worth you cherish. I also have many for the first time, took it to cook, I put my kitchen make is a mess! 「哎呀!今天誰來掌廚啊......」沒人回答我。我找遍全家也不見半個人影。這昰什麼?一張紙條,上面很隨意的寫著「中午我們不回家了,你自己做吃的吧」。我沉默了一會兒。然後,腦袋裡出現了一句話「我不會做飯啊」! "Oh! Today who is cooking......" Nobody answer me. I searched through family and there's nobody in sight. What is this? A note with a very casual write "noon we don't go home, you do eat". I was silent for a moment. Then, head appeared a word "I can't cook?" 「咕嚕、咕嚕......」!我的肚子開始叫苦了,沒辦法,自己動手做吧!我進到了那個讓我不安的廚房。首先打開冰箱,「有什麼呢」?雞蛋、白菜、土豆。那今天就做個雞蛋、白菜炒飯吧! "Guru, guru......" ! My stomach began to complain, can't, do it by yourself! I reached into the one that makes me uneasy kitchen. First open the refrigerator, "what?" Eggs, cabbage and potatoes. That do it today an egg, Chinese cabbage Fried rice! 呀!先把蛋打出來,攪啊攪,應該可以了。白菜,先洗洗。接著慢慢的一刀一刀的切著。「怎麼會這樣」?大小不一,厚的厚,斷的斷,白菜掉了一地;雞蛋也弄得到處都昰。不管了,填飽肚子才昰最重要的。 Ah! The first type egg mixture. Stir o, should do. Chinese cabbage, wash up first. Then slowly one knife a sword of cutting. "How can that be?" Size is differ, thick thick, broken broken, Chinese cabbage dropped a land; Eggs also make the place is all. No matter, fill the stomach just is the most important. 先到油,少到一點。可以放雞蛋了,炒阿炒;再放白菜,繼續炒,再放飯又炒了一下。放了半勺的鹽!翻啊翻,起鍋了!鼓掌! First to oil, little to one. Can put the eggs, fry, fry; Put Chinese cabbage, continue to fry, put rice and fry for a second. Put half spoon of salt! O turn over, it! Applause! 色還可以;氣味有點怪;味——不敢吃!鼓起勇氣嘗一點,有點咸了,還有生菜沒熟的味道,太油!總結完畢。我只有等著媽媽回來幫我收拾殘局。還有,幫我做點可以吃的吃的! Color can also; Smells a little strange; Taste-dare not eat! Summon up courage to taste a little bit, a little salty, and lettuce the taste of ripe, too oil! The summary. I only waiting for my mother came back to help me pick up the pieces. Also, help me to do something to eat, to eat!

㈢ 英語作文,我第一次做過的事,請提供素材,謝謝啦

Although my train ticket is useless, but I kept it

㈣ 英語作文,第一次做某事。50分。

The First Cooking Last weekend, my parents went out and only I stayed at home. So I had to cook a meal for myself. First I washed the cabbages and then cooked it. But I didn't know how to cook them. I put too much salt into the cabbages. So they tasted too salty. I had to throw them away. But I didn't lose my heart. This weekend, I asked my mother to teach me how to cook. She taught me how much salt I should use. Wow, the cabbages tasted good. My mother praised me and I felt very happy. Now I know that if I try hard, I will succeed.

㈤ 第一次干什麼 英語作文 40字

The first cooking

Once my mother was ill. So I must cook by myself.I want to cook for Mom.

When I cooked, I didn't know how to make fire,when to put the vegetables in the pot and I must ask my grandma on the telephone.

At last I took the dish to Mom.My Mom smiled to me.Although the taste of the dish was terrible.I was happy!


㈥ 英語話題作文,用60詞描述你第一次做的某事。

㈦ 第一次干什麼的英語作文

My first time
In our life there are many for the first time, the first wash the red scarf, for the first time in their street, for the first time myself to sleep for the first time ... ...
I also have for the first time, and many, many, the most memorable was the first time I washed a red scarf.
At noon that day, I think of it not washing his red scarf, so I wanted to call her grandmother to help me wash me, I entered the room, heard a slight grunt Grandma, I know that Grandma was asleep, I thought: Grandma morning that a lot of clothes washed, but I forgot to red scarf to her grandmother, now known as Grandma and then take it to wash, not to mention her grandmother were asleep, I called her up, wash clothes very tired the morning Grandma , it is better to wash this scarf I own it! Yeah, so, went ahead.
I took my red scarf to the side of the pond open the water tap to wet red scarf, red scarf on and rub in with the detergent can not rub the bubble, I again rubbed the soap and wipe the red scarf, and useful to the brush in the red scarf on the brush and brush, then rub the rub, and then washed with water useful in clean, dry and sun screwed up. Washing red scarf I was excited and immediately ran to the room, I have to wait for grandma woke up and told her to wash my red scarf. Grandma finally woke up, I am pleased to tell his grandmother to wash the red scarf, and her grandmother is also very happy to say: "Go look at me" I am glad to put my grandmother pulled edge of a pool, "Look!" Red Scarf water Lingling, in sunlight, it is particularly crystal, like the glistening sun. Grandma laughed, I am puzzled that asked: "how not clean?" "Washed, cleaned, and just a little wrong," "what point." "Washing clothes, pants with socks to wash pull it when finished, Dou Yidou that again until after the whole will not wrinkle. "heard this, I know the error and immediately won the red scarf, red a little, then pull on the pull, shake and shake until the sun back, my grandmother met a happy laugh.
This is the first time in life, there are many for the first time in life, sometimes successfully, sometimes difficult, but we have to take it to the bright side, so that your life will be more colorful.


㈧ 英語作文:第一次做過的一件事,給了你及大的滿足感

I would never forget that day I first met my girl-friend.
Before I realized what had happened, I was thrown flat onto the concrete road, knocking my head against the front wheel of the bike. Soft st blurred my eyes and grated my teeth. This must be worse than all the traffic accidents I』 heard of, I thought to myself and got ready to shout at the person who should take responsibility of this accident. But when I raised my head, I found a face so beautiful and so sweet that I could not refuse to fall for. I smiled as handsome as possible and ask: 「 I』m sorry, are you OK?」 For my kindness, as well with my later hard chasing, that girl became my girl-friend. This is really a memorable experience for me!

㈨ 有關第一次做某事的英語作文

Mother is sick today, let me clean the door.
I would like to use the wet cloth to wipe the surface st, then wipe cloth Magan Jing door, wiping the door to low according to the order, with the exception of cross-box to be rubbed sideways, up and down along the rest of the general direction of the rub. Wiping the dirty cloth used to wash water.
When I live to finish, I realized that my mother's hardships. No matter how cold the winter, my mother is still washing dishes in cold water, no matter how hot summer, the mother of all hard work ... to ... think about is, my nose is sour ... ...
Today, for the first time to do household chores, I realized that the mother's hard work in the future I would also like to do more to help parents of some household chores.


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