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Ⅰ my dream 英語作文80字


My dream is to be a good doctor, because the doctor can cure many diseases,save a lot of people, when the doctor is a glorious occupation.
If I really realize the dream of becoming a doctor. I let the elderly health, longevity.I let the alt body strong, hard work. I let the child physical bang bang, happy growth.
In order to achieve this goal, I must first learn, make progress every day. Make fullpreparation to become a good doctor. Come on!.

Ⅱ My dream英語作文50到80字

I have a dream, takes root deeply in mine heart. After that is grows up, I must become a scientist. Although I do not have the excellent ability and wisdom, does not have the strict thought that also does not have the specially accurate judgment, but I still not the draw rein. Although this dream is apart from me to be very remote, but I will still not stop the pursue. Although in realizes in the dream process, will have many setbacks and the innumerable tribulations, but I still could not be disheartened. Because I believed that only then experience hell's disciplining, can practice creates the heaven the strength; Only then has bled the finger, can spring in society the pinnacle of poetic creation; Only the experience difficulty and the setback, can realize own dream.

Ⅲ 用My Dream為題目寫一篇英語作文,80字左右

my dream

Everyone has a dream. I also have a dream,but not only a simple one.
When I was in primary school,my dream was that I would be a doctor when I grew up.I』ll be the first person who proces a new
medicine.This kind of medicine can make teachers relax when they are busy correcting their students』 exercises and preparing their lessons.Because one day when I woke up at midnight,I found my father,a senior Chinese teacher,was still busy with his work.I was deeply moved.I wish my father could be healthy and relaxed every minute.
Now I』m a senior Grade Two student,all my classmates and I are working hard,we all know the College Entrance Examination which will come in the year of 2005 is a big problem for us.We must study harder and harder in order to go to a good university,then when we finish our school,we can find a good job in society.My dream is also that.Though now I』m not good at study,I』ll try my best.
I know fantasy is hard to come true,but dream can.
I』ll work hard for my dreams,I』ll never give up.

Ⅳ 以<my dream>為題的英語作文,80到100個字母,簡單為好。

my dream i have a dream,that one day i can become an interprter. when i was young, i had this dream, so i work hard on english. i practise reading, writing, listenging and speaking. and day by day, i can see my english level is up. for further study, i choose english as my major in my college. i get much more knowledge on it. now i m graate, i become a translater. i stand closer to my dream. what i should do now, is going on studying. i believe one day i will become a excellent interprter.

Ⅳ My dream (寫一篇80詞英語作文)(寫翻譯)


My Dream
I have a dream, and I hope one day it will come true. I dream that I have a harmonious family. I dream that my parents wouldn't scold me when I make mistakes, instead they patiently teach me how correct them. I dream that there were no quarrels or fightings in my family. When the family members argue, they smile and understand and respect each other. I dream that every one in my family is healthy, and they never suffer from illness. I dream that all the people in the family have their job that they love very much, they work but never complain. This is my dream, I will work hard to realize it.



Ⅵ my dream英語作文80詞(八年級仁愛版)

My dream
Everyone has dreams.I have a dream,too.I'm going to be a musician player like Lang Lang when I grow up.
I started to play the piano at the age of four.At first,I didn't like the piano at all and I wanted to give up.But my parents often encouraged me,"Never give up,son!You can do it!"With the help of the piano teacher and my parents,I began to make great progress in playing the piano and love it very much.Now I can play the piano pretty well and my parents and the piano teacher are very pleased with me.
What's your dream?Can you tell me?

Ⅶ my dream job英語作文80

Today, I was thinking, "what is my future career?
Are you going to be a worker or a boss? "I've got my head full of ideas
Career, the career I want to be engaged in most is car washer.
Why? I like cars so much that I want to wash them
Auto workers, daily contact with cars. I'm very interested in this profession
Interesting, and must have the car wash experience to be able to do this work well.
It doesn't matter whether I work in the morning, night or overtime
Work as usual. No matter how hard, tired and dangerous, I also
To be a good car washer.
When a car came, I worked sweatily,
First check the heart and arteries of the car engine and engine,
Replace the foot tire, then paint it, and wait for the paint to dry
After that, clean the windows, change the engine oil and give the car a drink
Drinks -- gasoline, last rinse, perfect, return
Give it to the owner and wait for the next customer.
In a few months, if you have enough money, you can buy your own car
Now. By then, I will take care of my own car. slowly
Well, when the boss retires, I can take over his post
If I'm lucky), offer the lowest price and buy the car wash
Come on. I'm going to make my car wash the most popular one
Hire some people and start work!
The job of car washer is so interesting. I want to grow up quickly
Big, good to be a happy car washer!


Ⅷ 求初二英語作文 My dream 八十詞左右謝謝

My Dream
I have a dream, and I hope one day it will come true. I dream that I have a harmonious family. I dream that my parents wouldn't scold me when I make mistakes, instead they patiently teach me how correct them. I dream that there were no quarrels or fightings in my family. When the family members argue, they smile and understand and respect each other. I dream that every one in my family is healthy, and they never suffer from illness. I dream that all the people in the family have their job that they love very much, they work but never complain. This is my dream, I will work hard to realize it.


Ⅸ mydream英語作文,五年級80詞

I often think of my dream,The dream is one of the great things.as the matter of course,everyboby have dream.today,i have a wonderful dream,I want to become a useful person.Now,we are youny,however,wo should study hard!NO cross,no cown. we should make a distinction between right and wrong .make hay while the sun shines,as you sow ,shall you reap.we should never give up, but just continue and then you will get the reward,
I will be towards the dream. 我是高二學生 希望對你有幫助!
漢語意思是 我經常思考我的夢想,夢想是一個美妙的東西。當然每個人都有自己的夢想。今天,我有一個偉大的夢想,我想成為一個對社會有用的人。現在我們正年輕,但是我們應該努力地學習。沒有苦就沒有甜,我們應該認清是非,勿失良機,種瓜得瓜種豆得豆!我們絕對不能放棄,要堅持到底,你一定會有收獲。我會一直朝著我的夢想努力的!

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