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发布时间: 2021-03-15 03:00:18

『壹』 环保主题的英语ppt

aerosols 气溶胶 / 气雾剂
agricultural wastes 农业废物
asbestos 石棉
commercial noise 商业噪音
composite pollution 混合污染
dioxins 二恶英
hazardous substances 危险物质
hazardous wastes 危险废物
heavy metals 重金属
hospital wastes 医院废物
instrial effluents 工业废水
instrial emissions 工业排放物
instrial fumes 工业烟尘
instrial noise 工业噪声
inorganic pollutants 无机污染物
lead contamination 铅污染
liquid wastes 液体废物
litter 丢弃物 / 废气物
mercury contamination 汞污染
micropollutants 微污染物
mining wastes 采矿废物
motor vehicle emissions 机动车辆排放物
municipal waste 城市废物
nitrogen oxides 氮氧化物
noise pollution 噪声污染
odour nuisance 恶臭公害
organic pollutants 有机物污染
persistent organic pollutants 难降解有机污染物
pharmaceutical wastes 医药废物
plastic wastes 塑料废物
radioactive substances 放射性物质
rubber waste 橡胶废物
sewage 污水
solid wastes 固体废物
thermal pollution 热污染
toxic substances 有毒物质
toxic waste 有毒废物
toxins 毒素
traffic noise 交通噪音
trash 废物 / 垃圾
wood waste 木材废料
biological weapons 生物武器
cement instry 水泥工业
chemical weapons 化学武器
chimneys 烟囱
motor vehicles 机动车辆
motorcycles 摩托车
nuclear weapons 核武器
ocean mping 海洋倾倒
oil spills 石油泄漏
scrap metals 废金属
excavation heaps 挖掘堆积
acoustic insulation 隔音
chemical decontamination 化学污染清除
desulphurization of fuels 燃料脱硫
filters 过滤器
noise abatement 噪音治理
pollution abatement equipment 污染治理设备
pollution control technology 污染控制技术
radiation protection 辐射防护
scrubbers 洗涤器
separators 分离器
smoke prevention 防烟
waste minimization 废物最少化
battery disposal 电池处理
chemical treatment of waste 废物的化学处理
disposal sites 处置场所
incineration of waste 废物焚烧
mine filling 矿山回填
oil resie recuperation 残油回收
radioactive waste management 放射性废物管理
recycled materials 回收的材料
recycling 回收
reuse of materials 材料再利用
sanitary landfills 卫生填埋
sea outfall 海洋排泄口
septic tanks 化粪池
sewage disposal 污水处置
sewage treatment systems 污水处理系统
solid waste disposal 固体废物处置
waste assimilation capacities 废物同化处置
waste conversion techniques 废物转化技术
waste disposal 废物处置
waste disposal in the ground 废物土地处置
waste recovery 废物回收
waste use 废物利用
water reuse 水的再利用
wastebin 垃圾桶
plastic 塑料制品
environment pollution 环境污染
environmental conservation 环境保护
environmental legislation 环境立法
environmental reform 环境改造
净化 purification

『贰』 关于绿色环保的英语演讲稿

We Only Have One World
As is known to all , we have a beautiful world .We can see the sun shining. We can see the moon in a full view. We can see the birds flying in the sky. We can see the horses running on the plain. However, the world is not as beautiul as before, for human beings have brought a disaster to the world.
So it is high time that we should do something to change this situation. As a citizen, we can do much for it. For example, we could use disposable goods less. And we are supposed to save resources such as water, electricity and so on. Also, we ought to plant more trees to rece the greenhouse effect. In addition, we could try our best to publicize the knowledge of environment protection. Because we only have one world.


『叁』 急求大学英语演讲PPT~~!!!5分钟左右的~~


先让,代,写演,讲稿 ,我讲述这个产品带来的好处,接着是这个产品的制做过程,然后是这个产品的市场营销,最后,好像我忘记向大家介绍这个产品是什么了。-_-!



『肆』 有关环保的英语演讲稿,3-5分钟左右


With the improvement of our living standard, more and more people can afford a car. As a result, our roads are more often than not crammed with cars. However, with more and more waste gas being discharged by the cars, the problem of air pollution becomes even more serious. So nowadays we advocate to lead a low-carbon life.
My suggestion is we should ride bikes more often instead of driving cars.By riding a bike, we can not only exercise our body but also protect our environment. Why not have a try, my dear friends?

Now, our side of the car constant more up, the environment also increasingly worse! That the air around us there are many harmful substances. Therefore, we want to Sue around things start to do. For example, we can go to school by bike or walk, it can exercise. If you have time can use less elevator, many climb stairs. We can not only physical exercise, but also to protect our environment.


文章文体:议论文。 文章要点:1.保护环境的重要性;2.学生在家庭中节约能源的具体做法和感想;3.今后的打算。 文章框架:文章应该是三部分两段式。第一段(包括要点前两部分)1.环保的重要性;2 接着是站在学生的角度谈谈家庭节约能源的具体方法,第二段写第三要点,即谈谈今后打算。 重要句型短语:It is important to protect our environment, the energy in the world is limited. turn off the light and other appliance when you ,re not using them, we'd better not waste the energy, use public transportation, recycle the waste,I can learn more to develop new and clear energy, like the energy from the wind and solar 等。 参考例文: With the development of our society, energy in the world becomes more and more limited, so it is quite important for us to save energy and to protect our environment. As a student, there are a lot of methods we can do to save energy at home. For example, first, we can turn off the light as well as other appliances when we are not using them. Second, recycle the waste water, paper and other waste so that we can reuse them. What's more, it is suggested to use public transportation more instead of private cars. Above all, everyone can make a great contribution to our environment. I hope I can learn more to develop new and clear energy, like energy from the wind and solar.

Recently we have held a class meeting to discuss what is considered to be honorable behavior and what is shameful. (最近我们班开了个班会讨论什么是光荣和耻辱。)It is really a pity to see all this in our school.(很遗憾在学校看到这些现象)Some students don’t respect their teachers or parents. (不尊敬老是和父母)Some don’t take their studies seriously and cheat in exams. (作业不认真,考试作弊)Some throw wastes everywhere and pollute the environment . (到处乱扔垃圾污染环境。)It is honorable to obey the law and rules , care much about our class and study hard.(关心班级、努力学习、遵纪守法是光荣)It is shameful to break school rules, to be selfish or to make little effort to achieve success.(违反学校纪律、自私 骄傲是可耻的)We should respect others and think more of them than of ourselves.(我们应该尊敬别人经常关心别人)We should work hard and make much more progress to repay the society.(我们应该努力学习取得更大进步从而回报社会。)We should try our best to keep the environment clean。(我们应该想方设法保持干净的环境。)

There are still many problems of environmental protection in recent years. One of the most serious problems is the serious pollution of air, water and soil. the polluted air does great harm to people’s health. The polluted water causes diseases and death. What is more, vegetation had been greatly reced with the rapid growth of modern cities.
To protect the environment, governments of many countries have done a lot. Legislative steps have been introced to control air pollution, to protect the forest and sea resources and to stop any environmental pollution. Therefore, governments are playing the most important role in the environmental protection today.
In my opinion, to protect environment, the government must take even more concrete measures. First, it should let people fully realize the importance of environmental protection through ecation. Second, much more efforts should be made to put the population planning policy into practice, because more people means more people means more pollution. Finally, those who destroy the environment intentionally should be severely punished. We should let them know that destroying environment means destroying mankind themselves.
everyone!Now I want to talk about a beatiful world!
When I was young,I always dreamed that I lived in a beautiful country. There were many flowers and trees around our city.We counld hear the birds singing and see the children dancing. The streets were clear and the the air was very fresh! How nice it was!But that only was a dream of mine!How I wish that it would be come true! So I think we should do something to protect our environment. Everyone should make a contribution to protect the environment.
Taking care of our environment is very important.Where ever you live,you can do something around your neighbourhood.
Have you ever thrown any litter onto the ground?Have you ever drawn pictures on public walls? Have you ever cut down trees?If your answers are "No",it means that you have already helped protect our environment.
It is our ty to keep our envionment clean and tidy. You might ask yourself,"Have I ever picked up some rubbish and thrown it into a box?Have I ever collected waste paper or bottles for recycling?Have I ever planted any trees or flowers in or near my neighbourhood?"If your answers are"Yes",it means that you have already done something useful to improve the environment.
Now I want to say :Let`s do our best to make our world more beautiful!望采纳

『伍』 请以环保为主题,写一份适合大学生演讲用的英语演讲稿。长度2分钟左右。谢谢

Protection of Environment
1. 目前环保还存在着许多问题。
2. 为了保护环境,3. 各国政府做了大量的工作。
4. 我的看法。
There are still many problems of environmental protection in recent years. One of the most serious problems is the serious pollution of air, water and soil. the polluted air does great harm to people’s health. The polluted water causes diseases and death. What is more, vegetation had been greatly reced with the rapid growth of modern cities.
To protect the environment, governments of many countries have done a lot. Legislative steps have been introced to control air pollution, to protect the forest and sea resources and to stop any environmental pollution. Therefore, governments are playing the most important role in the environmental protection today.
In my opinion, to protect environment, the government must take even more concrete measures. First, it should let people fully realize the importance of environmental protection through ecation. Second, much more efforts should be made to put the population planning policy into practice, because more people means more people means more pollution. Finally, those who destroy the environment intentionally should be severely punished. We should let them know that destroying environment means destroying mankind themselves.

『陆』 【急求!!!】求一篇以环保为主题的英语presentation,最好有ppt和word文档。

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『柒』 关于环境保护的英语演讲稿

Win Competition of Environment Protection for Beijing

Although the 2008 Olympics are still three years away, another special competition has already started in Beijing. This time, the competitors are not the athletes from all over the world, but the people living in Beijing. The special competition is not held in a stadium, but in every street and every corner of Beijing. I suppose some of you may have already guessed what the special competition is. Yes, it is the competition of protecting our environment and creating a green Beijing for the 2008 Olympic Games.

Someone may ask who is our rival in this competition? The modern Los Angeles, the charming Sydney, or the historic Athens? No, none of them. The real rival is ourselves. It is our bad habits of neglecting to protect environment in our daily life.

Several years ago, I was very lucky to have an opportunity to live in the United States for about two years. I not only enjoyed the beautiful environment there, but also appreciated the American people's active way of protecting their environment. Now, whenever the environment protection is mentioned, a beautiful view of California will arise in my mind: white clouds flying across the blue sky, green grassplot sprinkled with colorful flowers and small animals playing happily among the trees.

I remember that at the beginning of my coming to America, I often went to my father's working place, the United States Geological Survey, to have fun. Each time I found a lot of people riding bicycles to their offices. Among the cyclists, an old man with white hair attracted my attention. Curiously, I asked my father," Why does the old man ride his bike to work every day? Doesn't he have enough money to buy a car?" Father laughed, "No, not because of money. Actually, he is one of the greatest scientists in the world. He can afford to buy a motorcade if he likes. He is just an environmentalist and usually doesn't drive unless going shopping, or in bad weather. In America, there are a lot of environmentalists, who actively protect their environment. For example, in Palo Alto city we are living now, there is even a bicycle-to-work day on May 19th every year to encourage people to decrease air pollution caused by cars".

Later, I also learnt another interesting fact of environment protection there. In some states of America, in order to decrease air pollution, save energy and rece traffic jams, state governments encourage people to take buses to work or to share a car among several people. They even set special "diamond lanes" in some main streets, which are only for the vehicles with 2 or more people.

The positive actions of American people and the effective measures the American government takes in environment protection fully won my respects and deeply affected my consciousness in environment protection.

When I was back in China, people often asked me: " What do you think of America?" I always bolt out:" Wonderful, especially the beautiful environment." Frankly speaking, after several years, the faces of my American teachers and friends have graally faded away from my mind, but the blue sky, green grass and lovely animals in California often arise in my mind, and became my dream of visiting there again.

The 2008 Olympics provide us with the opportunity to publicize and practise environment protection in Beijing. Is it possible for Beijing to Is it possible for Beijing to become as beautiful as California? The answer is "yes", but the dream needs every Beijing citizen's full support and active moves to accomplish.

From now on, if every student who is driven to school can take bus or ride bicycle to school once a week, if every car owner goes to work in a car pool once a week, we can make a difference. If everyone can actively protect the environment in our daily life, the blue sky, green grass and lovely animals in California will appear in Beijing.

Tiny streams can combine into a vast ocean, small trees can together be an immense forest. Beijing is often described as a beautiful and aged picture. If every Beijing citizen adds a trait of green on the picture, the whole Beijing will become an ocean of green. Let us unite together to win the competition of environment protection in Beijing, and present the world a big gold medal. That is "Green Beijing, Great Olympics "


记得刚到美国时,常去爸爸工作的美国地质调查局玩耍,每次均能看到许多人骑自行车上下班,而其中一位满头白发的骑车老人,引起了我的好奇。我问爸爸,"那个爷爷为什么总骑车上班,是不是没钱买车?"爸爸笑道:"没钱买车?嘿,说出来吓死你,他可是世界上顶级的大科学家。要论钱,他可以买一个车队呢。" "那他咋不买车呢?骑车多累呀!" "他有车,但平时除非下雨或购物,一般不去开。在美国有许多人都是环保主义者,为了节约能源和减少汽车尾气对大气的污染,他们用实际行动倡导人们尽量少开车。而我们所居住的这座美国城市,还特别将每年的5月19日定成了'骑车上班日',以支持和宣传这种有效的环保行为。"

『捌』 关于环保的英语演讲稿(带翻译的)

The world we live in is becoming more and more intolerable because of environmental destruction. For example , forest destruction results in decrease of planting land and unpleasant weather. In addition, man is faced with problems of water pollution and air pollution.
A lot of measures have been taken. Planting trees helps improve and beautify the environment. Besides, laws concerning environmental protection have been put into effect and achieved good results.
However, the problem of environmental protection remains far from being solved. On the one hand, the environment pollution and destruction are getting worse and worse in the modern world. On the other hand, the lack of knowledge about the importance of protecting environment hinders the solving of the problem. In a word, there is a long way to go before we enjoy a clean and comfortable world.

『玖』 绿色环保英语演讲稿

英语绿色环保演讲稿 Now more and more people are focusing on the nature. It is no doubt that the nature is important to every human being. No nature, no life. Because of the supplies of the nature, we have lived happily for a long time. And we started to gain every thing available from the nature. And this lasted so long a time. Today, people have discovered that the nature around is getting worse and worse. What is threatening the nature? Air and water pollution, overharvesting of plant and animal species, overpopulation and so on. Overpopulation is the biggest source of pollution. Let's take overpopulation as an example. What does overpopulation feel like? When we move slowly through the city in a tazi. When we enter a crowded slum district. When the temperature is high and when the air is thick with st and smoke. The streets are crowded with people. The streets seem alive with people. People eating. People washing. 绿色奥运,绿色北京,你我同行 Improving Beijing's environment for the Olympics Ladies and gentlemen: Good morning! Today, the title of my speech is Improving Beijing's environment for the Olympics. Have you ever seen animals cry? Do you know what makes them cry? It's the polluted world, a dirty world, caused by our irresponsible behaviors, that makes those lovely animals cry. Many of us are smart enough to know how terrible it is to have a world without animals and plants. But some people still persist in making the same errors and harming the environment. What's worse is that people are eating wild animals. Those people don't know, and more importantly, they don't want to know. This kind of behavior has caused some specific problems. For example, medical experts have suggested that eating wild animals helped spread the terrible disease SARS. Now, our world is no longer clean and beautiful. Why? Because air, water, and noise pollution has become more and more serious. Noise pollution makes us talk more loudly and become angry more easily. Water pollution makes our rivers and lakes very dirty. Air pollution is the most serious kind of pollution. Both air pollution and water pollution are not only dangerous to our health, but also dangerous to animals and plants. We're destroying our only world. A large number of trees have been cut down, so a lot of lands have been turned into deserts. Pollution can be seen everywhere! Unquestionably it is essential that we clean up our environment. Sadly, we've not always appreciated the importance of protecting the environment. On the streets, you can see cars procing smog. In the bathrooms, you can see students leaving the water tap on after using them. Not only the young people, but also the elderly ones throw things everywhere without thinking it's wrong, even in a beautiful park. these things are taking place every day, even in modern cities like Beijing. We can't do that any more. We must learn how to protect the environment. If everyone is aware of protecting it instead of destroying it, the world can become cleaner, more beautiful, and more peaceful. The theme of Beijing 2008 Olympic Games is "New Peking, New Olympic". It's the target owned by every Chinese. We should try our best to improve Beijing's environment for Olympics. , let's begin to act! First, start with the things around you. Don't throw rubbish onto the road. Don't talk loudly when you are outdoors. Turn off the water tap after using it. Go to school by bike or by bus instead of by private car. Save your pocket money and contribute to environmental protection organizations. Take me as an example, I take action in order to make our only world full of happiness. I pick up rubbish and throw it into a trashcan. I collect waste paper or bottles for recycling. I plant more trees and flowers, and so on. If you do all these things just like me, it means you have done something useful to improve the environment. We're grateful, because the emblem of the Beijing 2008 Olympic Games is a precious treasure dedicated to the Olympic Movement by the people of China. Under the guidance of the Olympic spirit, let us do a better job in all fields of our preparation and venue construction work in an efficient way. We will combine the Olympic Movement with the latest technology and advanced culture to make the Beijing Games the best Olympic Games ever! Welcome to Beijing! Thank you. 绿色北京 绿色奥运 你我同行 你可曾见到过动物哭泣?你可曾知道它们为什么哭泣?正是因为我们不负责任的行为,让世界变得肮脏,让这些可爱的动物们哭泣不止。我们清楚的知道,如果没有了动物和植物,我们的世界将会变得多么死寂,多么灰暗但是有些人仍然固执的犯着同样的错误??破坏环境,执迷不悟! 更糟糕的是,人们热衷于品尝野生动物。食用野生动物的人不知道,更不会想知道,正是这种行为导致了很多特殊问题的出现。例如:医学家已经证实,举世瞩目的SARS疾病,正是由于食用野生动物传播的。 如今,我们的世界已经不再整洁,不再美丽。为什么呢? 因为空气,水和噪声等污染已经变得越来越严重了。噪声污染让我们的脾气变得极易暴躁;水污染让河流和湖泊不再清澈,大气污染让天空变得不再蔚蓝。环境污染,无处不在! 无疑,清洁我们的环境势在必行。然而可悲的是,许多人不能时刻领悟到保护环境的重要性。在街道上,你可以目睹汽车尾气四处弥漫;在洗手间,你可以目睹有人用后却不及时关闭水龙头;甚至是在环境优美的公园,有人随意的丢弃垃圾,但他们从来没有意识到这种行为是错的。 我们必须学会保护我们的环境。如果我们每个人都能伸出双手,那么我们的世界将会变得更整洁,更美丽,更和平。2008年奥运会的主题是"新北京,新奥运",这也正是我们每个人的目标。 为了让我们的家园充满欢笑,我们必须立刻行动!从我做起,从今做起,从身边小事做起。如果你还在随意丢弃废弃物;如果你还在公共设施上随意刻画;如果你还在公共场所随地吐痰,那么请你赶快改正!我们每个人都应该为改善环境做出努力,让我们的家园变得像春天一样美丽! 2008年奥运会对我们来说,既是机遇,又是挑战。我们衷心希望2008年的北京能够,春风裁柳,碧如丝绦,红日东升,光辉灿烂;夏雨过后,绿叶晶莹,禾苗秀美,青松斜生;秋风习习,桂香飘飘,碧海蓝天,秋水潺潺;冬梅傲骨,众芳独暄,白雪纷飞,覆压枝头。 让我们沉醉于上苍所给予的美景,流连忘返;让我们迷恋于自然所散发的清香,沁人心脾。 让我们以奥运为契机,呼唤环境意识,聚焦环境保护,弘扬绿色文明,分享绿色体验! 让我们携手,共建美好家园! 绿色奥运,绿色北京,你我同行! 第二篇自己修改一下就好了,加油,祝你好运!Good Luck!

『拾』 急求大学英语演讲PPt,大学生使用,5-10分钟

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