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发布时间: 2021-03-15 09:27:23

⑴ 不知道国际学校入学考试难不难,想要详细了解一下初中数学考试常见的英语词汇,越全越好!


⑵ 国际学校 英语怎么说

international school

⑶ 国际学校的英语和读音


⑷ 求初中英文数学卷子,要考国际学校!

1. Two numbers differ by 57. Their sum is 185. Find the numbers. Choices for the smaller number:54 64 74.

2.A bus went 318 km farther than a car. The car went one third as far as the bus. How far did each vehicle travel? Choices for the smaller number: 147 151 159

3.one number is four times another number. The larger number is also 87 more than the smaller number. Find the numbers. Choices for the smaller number: 29 30 33

4.A clown weights 60 lb more than a trapeze artist. The trapeze artist weighs two thids as much as the clown. How much does each weigh? choices for the weight of the trapeze artist : 110 120 125
5. The U.S. Senate has 100 memebers, all Democrats or Republicans. Recently there were 12 more Democrats than Republicans. How many Senators from each political party were there at that time? Choices for the number of Republicans: 38 42 44

6.The ninth grade class has 17 more girls than boys. there are 431 students in all. how many boys are there? how many girls are there? Choices for the number of boys: 191 202 207

7. Elena has one and a half times as much money as Ramon.Together they have 225. how much money does each have?
Choices for Ramom's amount;80 90 95

8. Western state college is 18 years older than southern state. western is also 2 and the half times as old as southern. how old is each? Choice for southern state's age:12 14 18

⑸ 请问上海的国际学校一般用哪些英文版本的数学教材


⑹ 国际学校的必备单词

我跟你差不多,今年上的清华附中国际部,小学一直在中国上的,英语内水平也不高容 ,现在上7年级 ,我也听不懂物理和历史,但是其实你只要把老师上课讲的记下来,回家后上网查所有的意思,不用刻意的去背单词,英语单词很多,要说有用的常用的,也有很多,没有什么必备单词。历史其实还好,主要是物理,一定要注意背物理那些名词!这个很重要 ,然后把解释背下来,一定要花时间去背。 只要这些“搞定”就没什么好怕的了,在你这种环境下,差不多一年后,你的英文就会很好了,一定不要刻意的去背很多老师没有让你们背的单词,因为你 一下背那么多页记不住,也没用,所以劝你去买一个电子词典带到学校用,会很有帮助!

⑺ 以英文教学的国际学校常用英语单词


⑻ 以英文教学的国际学校常用英语单词

呵呵,这样的学校是注重口语的。单词不是孤立的,是在句子中慢慢的积累的。单独把单词拿出来练是事倍功半, 也没有规定说那些单词常用,那些不常用,我是英语教师,希望对您有帮助。

⑼ 国际学校 用英语怎么说

i'm an english teacher. i work for an internationalschool in shanghai.

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