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发布时间: 2021-03-15 12:18:20

『壹』 英语翻译我们秋游玩得很高兴

Autumn we play very happy

『贰』 翻译成英语

1. I do not want to give up,
2. You are gravity,
3. Awkward uncomfortable than lost,
4. Find a reason happy,
5. Slowly move forward,
6 regardless of the pros and cons,
7 do not like do not lose,
8 How do fearless

『叁』 今年秋天你们学校去哪里秋游(翻译成英文)

Where will your school have the autumn outing?

『肆』 今年的秋游在什么时候翻译为英文

This year's autumn at what time

『伍』 秋游小短文(英语,有中文翻译)

Today, the skies, sunny. Students mood indescribably happy, because our long-expected autumn arrived.
The autumn destination is about 8 o 'clock in the morning. XXX, students in teacher's lead a team of upper mightily from school to destination. All happy. We went hiking in the guidance of teachers, strength, eager to climb mountain climbing the moment. I already tired breathless, tired and want to rest, don't climb. Then I think the tortoise and the hare story, I can't stop now. I remembered this sentence: persevering! I just have a rest, continue to climb.
Only a few steps to the distance between the place, I slowly move my steps, branches in the bird scenery, said: "insist! Refuel!..." . I lift heavy legs, throws finally climbed up the mountain, though I am tired, but can't move sore heart filled with the joy of success.
Finally we reluctant to leave this place. Through this mountain climbing, let me whatever things, as long as we persist, effort, you can succeed! More important is, I think we don't study is in "climbing"? The ancients says: "there is no royal road to learning. Good, only do hard efforts and hard work of the knowledge, ability to climb the peak experience, knowledge can stand in the vast expanse of the knowledge, the peak of far-sighted infinite happiness, this isn't my autumn climbing the biggest harvest?


这次秋游的目的地是XXX.上午大约8点,同学们在老师的带领下排着浩浩荡荡的队伍从学校出发前往目的地.个个开心极了.我们在老师的带领去爬山,个个力气十足,迫不及待地往山顶爬.爬了一阵儿,我已累得上气不接下气,太累了,想休息,不想爬了.这时我想到龟兔赛跑的故事,我不能半途而废.。我内心想起了这句话:坚持就是胜利! 我就休息了一会儿,继续爬。

『陆』 《秋游》 英语作文

Unforgetable autumn outing【Kaiser3344手写】
I still remember that it is a refreshing autumn weather.All my classmates and teachers came to the People'Park to boat。There is a big lake called WeiYang Lake.Light wind blowed and the surface of the lake microwave shiny.We rented some boats and rowed to the center of the lake,The water is clear with fish swimming in it.On the back,willows danced by wind.

『柒』 翻译成英语!!

1.度假 take a holiday
2.照相 take a photo
3.玩得高兴 enjoying oneself
4.骑骆驼 riding a camel
5.一种 one kind
6.情况怎么样 how is it going
7.立刻,立即 at once
8.一些……另一些 some..others..
9.因……而感谢你 thank you for....
10.沙滩排球 beach volleyball
11.晚会我们玩的很开心。 we had a good time at the party
12.谢谢你帮助了我们。 thank you for the helping us.
13.房间里有许多不同种类的花。 there are many different kinds of flowers in the room
14.他的爸爸看起来很年轻。 his father seems so young
15.这蛋糕尝起来很甜。 this cake is sweet-tasting
16.今天的报纸。 today's newspaper
17.北京的街道。 streets in beijing
18.十分钟的步行。 10minutes walk

『捌』 翻译成英语

1. takeaway Tel:
booking Tel:
2. Address:/Contact us: 1st Floor, Lizhou District Government Office Buliding, Lizhou Dong Road, Guangyuan City.

『玖』 秋游怎么翻译╭(╯ε╰)╮

autumn trip

『拾』 到公园秋游翻译

Today we went to the Olympic Forest Park in autumn,playing very happy,but also very tired,we travel over land and water,go through untold hardships,leaving 17km,including various scenic,bright red blossoms and green willows.Throughout the day is so beautiful,but we have no appreciation,because we are in a 1:30 points before enough take 20 points and back to base camp,finally in time go up 20 points,back at base camp.
Although the bitter tired,but still finished the task,or like a harvest.

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