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发布时间: 2021-03-15 00:27:50

1. 一天的生活经历英文版

One day of life experience

One day of life experience

2. 英语作文 记叙经历过的印象深刻的一天

I was very happy last weekend.The weather was sunny and warm. I went the museum with my parents and my sister.The museum was very beautiful and interesting.Then I ate the mplingand noodles with my family.I ate beef and potato noodles.\r\n I was busy.But I was very happy.

3. 求一篇我的一天英语作文带翻译

I had a busy weekend. Last Saturday, I got up early. Then I rode a bike to a park. I had fun playing in the park. Then I had lunch at Mcdonald's. In the afternoon I played baskebball with my friends.
On Sunday morning. I did my homework at home then I cleaned my room. In the afternoon, I visited my aunt. Sh cooked dinner for me. In the evening, I watched TV. I saw an interesting talk show. what a busy weekend!


4. 请以thebusiedayinmylife为题,写一篇英语作文,记录你最忙一天的经历和感受

Sunshine in my life 我的生活很阳光
Sunshine in my life.When I saw the Chirist my life to be different totally.我的生活很阳光。当我成为一名基督徒以后,我的生活就此改变了。It's my change,I always have some trouble in my life before this time,like works and so on.下面我诉说一下改变,在我的生活中,我总是有许多的麻烦,像是我的工作等等。I always very unhappy,and one day my trouble to be the top.我总是不开心,有一天,我的麻烦到了顶点。I broke with my boyfriend.我和男朋友分手了。I have no idea why.我不知道为什么。I was not very happy,and I told my best friend,my best friend told me went to the church,and my life to be change the totally.我很不开心,并且我告诉了我最好的朋友,她带我去了教堂,就此我的人生被改变了。And four months ago,I am not contact with him again,he was a little despair but I think that we should to be finish the totally.就在四个月以前,我不再和他联系了,他有一点失望,但是,我想这一切应该全部结束。And it this time I gave him a bible and a book about the chist.I don't want to see him again at that time.并且就在这个时候,我尽管很不想再见到他,但是,我还是把圣经和关于基督教的相关书籍给了他。I don't want to talk him anymore.事实上,我其实一句话都不想再跟他说了。But I want to talk him to be a chritian was very good.但是,我想让他知道成为一名基督徒真的很幸福。You will got the sunshine in your life.你的生活将会变得很阳光。Although I was very sad,but I also do this things.尽管我很难过,但是,我还是那么做了。And my life to be different totally,I think that perhaps I will use a long time I will hate him,but I am not do that,I was happy the totally.我以为我会很难受,很恨他,但是,恰恰相反,我比以前更加快乐了。I went to the church for three time one week,and I studied the chirst crouse.我开始一周去三次教堂,并且我开始学习关于基督教的课程。I think that I will help many people in the future,I never think about my trouble,and I think that I am a lucky guy.我想将来的我将会帮助更多的人。我不再只想着眼目上的麻烦,并且我想我是个幸运儿并且真的是非常的幸福。I can smile,can breath,can walk,can listen,can see,can reading,can talk,and I have the good body.I am happy,and sunshine in my life,to be a christian was very good.我可以微笑,走路,听,看,阅读,说话,并且我有很好的身体,成为一名基督徒真的是非常好。You can got more,friends and love,big love.Do you think life is beautiful?你可以有更多的朋友并且拥有爱,和大爱。你不认为生活很美好吗?

5. 英语作文 一天的经历


6. 英语作文:我的一天

My day
Hi, my name is xxx. I am a 14-year-old girl student. I am in Class x, Grade 7. I get up at 6 o'clock. Then I brush my teeth and wash my face. I read English 15 minutes. After reading English, I have breakfast. I usually have a glass of milk , some bread and an apple for breakfast. I usually go to school by bike. School begins at 8 o'clock and finishes at half past eleven. I go home for lunch. I like noodles, so I usually have noodles for lunch and I also have a banana after lunch. School starts at two thirty and finishes at five ten. After school, I play sports with my friends for about half an hour. Then I go home. I have dinner at 7 o'clock in the evening. I usually have a big dinner with my parents. We have rice, soup, fish, pork or beef and some vegetables. After dinner, I do my homework. It often takes me an hour to do my homework. Then I take a shower. After shower, I listen to the music. At 9 o'clock , I go to bed.

7. 英语作文、 my summer holiday (记录暑假最难忘,最有意义一天所经历的事情) 参考哦、

《My summer holiday》
Last summer holiday I went to East China first. I visited the oriental pearl TV tower of Shanghai. I also went to the China pavillion in the Expo site,which was known as the Crown of the East.Then I went to Hangzhou. I visited the West lake. I also saw many interesting things . The weather was good. I liked the food there. It was tasty.


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