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发布时间: 2021-03-15 02:39:03

1. 第一滴血中的经典语录


I want, what they want!! And every other guy who come over here,spill their guts,gave every they had.wants? For our country to love us,as much as we love it!! That's what I want!!

—— “我要的就是它们想要的,和所有鼓足勇气到这里的人,给他所想要的。我们的国家,能像我们爱她那样地爱我们。这就是我所想要的!”


-It is over,Rambo.It is over!
-No! Nothing is over!Nothing !It is you ask me not I ask you!

4、Rambo:We love our country,but does she love us as much as we love her?!

5、Colonel:The place you call hell, he calls it home.

2. 求一些英语电影里的经典台词







Band of Brothers

▌You played put your happiness, but on a piano that was not infinite! I learned to live that way.


▌But 2000 people at a time, and there were wishes here.


3. 第一滴血中的经典对白

Rambo: Back there I could fly a gunship, I could drive a tank, I was in charge of million dollar equipment, back here I can't even hold a job PARKING CARS!
Rambo: “在那里(越南),我开过武装直升机,也开过坦克,我负责百万美元的武器装备,可是回到这里,我连一份帮人停车的工作都找不到。”

Rambo: I could have killed 'em all, I could kill you. In town you're the law, out here it's me. Don't push it. Don't push it or I'll give you a war you won't believe. Let it go. Let it go.

Teasle: Are you telling me that 200 of our men against your boy is a no-win situation for us?
Trautman: You send that many, don't forget one thing.
Teasle: What?
Trautman: A good supply of body bags.
Teasle: 难道你认为我们200个人对付你的一个手下,还没有胜算吗?
Trautman: 你派那么多人去,有一件事情别忘了。
Teasle: 什么事情?
Trautman: 带好足够的装尸袋。


Col.Trautman (崔普曼上校):It's over,Johnny.It's over!(结束了,结束了,什么都结束了!)

Rambo (兰博):Nothing is over! Nothing!(什么都没结束!)You just don't turn it off!( 不像关开关那么容易!) It wasn't my war! You asked me,I didn't ask you! (越战不是我的,是你要求我参战不是我要求你。)And I did what I had to do to win! But somebody wouldn't let us win!(我采取必要手段打胜,却另生枝节不让我们打胜。)Then I come back to the world,and I see all those maggots at the airport… protestin'me,spittin',callin'me "Baby Killer" and all kinds of vile crap! (我回国,在机场遭遇愤怒群众,指责我是杀婴孩的凶手等等胡说。)Who are they to protest me,huh?( 他们算什么,竟来抗议我。)Who are they,unless they've been me and been there and know what they're yelling about!(除非他们曾是我,去过越南。知道他们骂的是什么。)

Col.Trautman:It was a bad time for everyone,Rambo.It's all in the past now.

Rambo:For you! For me, civilian life is nothing! In the field,we had a code of honor,You watch my back, I watch yours. Back here there's nothing! (对你而言是,对我而言平民生活不算什么,在战场上我们有荣誉,大家互相照顾掩护。回到这里,什么也不是。)

Col.Trautman:You're the last of an elite group,Don't end it like this.(你是全连仅剩的战士,别落到这般下场。)

4. 史太龙主演的电影〈第一滴血〉里,最经典的台词。谁知道

I want, what they want!! And every other guy who come over here,spill their guts,gave every they had,wants!! For our country to love us,as much as we love it!! That's what i want!!

1中最后的对白/上校:“这任务结束了,你看看外面把,你看看。如果你还不结束他们会杀了你的,这是你想要的吗?结束了 Rambo 结束了”。
Rambo :“什么都没有结束。没有。这不象关开关那么容易。这不是我的这你要求我参战的,我采取必要的手段我打胜了。但是他们不让我赢。我回国,在机场我遭遇了愤怒的行动。他们胡言乱语说我是杀害婴儿的凶手。他们算什么竟然来抗议我。除非他们曾是我,去过越南。”

Rambo :“那是你。对我而言平民生活算什么嘛。在战场上我们至少有荣誉。大家相互照顾,回到这什么都没有了。”
Rambo :“在越南我可以驾炮艇开坦克车。我负责上百万的装备。在这里我连停车的工作都找不到 我不能。天啊,大家。大家都去哪儿了。我有个朋友是空军。我是他的好兄弟。在越南我们相依为命,回到这我什么也没有。你还记的空军部队吗?我那着借对他们说:老方你寄到拉斯维加因为我们长谈那儿,还有58年分红色雪佛阑蓬车。在西贡有个小男孩他走了过来。带着擦靴箱他向我们走过来,他说:擦皮鞋吧先生。我说不要,焦易说:他想擦,他非要擦。我去那BEER,箱子里装了引线,小孩打开了箱子,他打开了。把焦易的尸体炸得,到处都是,到处分散,我身上都是碎尸,我的朋友贴的我全身都是,血和一切,我想把他们拼在一起。我想找人帮忙,但是没人帮忙、没有,我 听到焦易说他想他说他想回家,他一直叫着我的名字说他想回家,他要回家我要开那辆雪佛阑蓬车。我说:我找不到你的腿。我说:我找不到你的腿。我忘不了7年了,每一天每一天我都会想的,有时候我醒来,我不知道我身在何处。我不跟任何人说话,有时候一天,有 时候一星期我 忘不了
Lambo: I was in charge of millions dollars equipment, but now I can't even find a job?in?the carpark!
Colonel:Remember to bring enough bodybags.
Colonel:The place you call hell, he calls it home.
Rambo:Fired a few shots.
在阿富汗战场,Rambo单枪匹马前去营救Colonel,与阿富汗接头的武器商人碰面后,商人问:where are the others? Rambo答:there are no others.商人以为他疯了,好心劝告其此去征途路漫漫,一个人肯定搞不定阿,Rambo无言,商人想这个人肯定是个菜鸟,年纪轻轻的小伙子咋就想不开了要来战场体验生活呢?后来又问Rambo以前有没用过武器,Rambo就回答了上面那句话。看到这里的人都会弯起嘴角笑一下,没什么感想的建议从头看一遍别开小差别忙着跟女朋友打电话....嗯,谦虚是美德。
Rambo:We love our country,but does she love us as much as we love her?!
第一滴血第二集,从战场归来,Rambo又一次感受到了国家的背叛,他冲进指挥部,架着一挺机枪把几千万美元的仪器扫了个稀巴烂,将一把刀插在耍他的上司旁边,摔门而去。女人发泄的方式也许是摔东西然后再上街买回自己摔坏的东西,但男人要么一直忍,忍无可忍发泄以后,毁掉的东西就再也不会挽回。在这里我们看到了一个男人的愤怒,怒不在他的艰辛,而怒在他所挚爱的背叛。引申一下,这句话也可以这么说,I love my girlfriend, but does she love me as much as I love her?! 男人应当勇于承担责任,但那些责任是否值得他去承担?

5. 第一滴血中的经典台词

I want, what they want!! And every other guy who come over here,spill their guts,gave every they had,wants!! For our country to love us,as much as we love it!! That's what i want!!

1中最后的对白/上校:“这任务结束了,你看看外面把,你看看。如果你还不结束他们会杀了你的,这是你想要的吗?结束了 Rambo 结束了”。
Rambo :“什么都没有结束。没有。这不象关开关那么容易。这不是我的这你要求我参战的,我采取必要的手段我打胜了。但是他们不让我赢。我回国,在机场我遭遇了愤怒的行动。他们胡言乱语说我是杀害婴儿的凶手。他们算什么竟然来抗议我。除非他们曾是我,去过越南。”

Rambo :“那是你。对我而言平民生活算什么嘛。在战场上我们至少有荣誉。大家相互照顾,回到这什么都没有了。”
Rambo :“在越南我可以驾炮艇开坦克车。我负责上百万的装备。在这里我连停车的工作都找不到 我不能。天啊,大家。大家都去哪儿了。我有个朋友是空军。我是他的好兄弟。在越南我们相依为命,回到这我什么也没有。你还记的空军部队吗?我那着借对他们说:老方你寄到拉斯维加因为我们长谈那儿,还有58年分红色雪佛阑蓬车。在西贡有个小男孩他走了过来。带着擦靴箱他向我们走过来,他说:擦皮鞋吧先生。我说不要,焦易说:他想擦,他非要擦。我去那BEER,箱子里装了引线,小孩打开了箱子,他打开了。把焦易的尸体炸得,到处都是,到处分散,我身上都是碎尸,我的朋友贴的我全身都是,血和一切,我想把他们拼在一起。我想找人帮忙,但是没人帮忙、没有,我 听到焦易说他想他说他想回家,他一直叫着我的名字说他想回家,他要回家我要开那辆雪佛阑蓬车。我说:我找不到你的腿。我说:我找不到你的腿。我忘不了7年了,每一天每一天我都会想的,有时候我醒来,我不知道我身在何处。我不跟任何人说话,有时候一天,有 时候一星期我 忘不了



-It is over,Rambo.It is over!
-No! Nothing is over!Nothing !It is you ask me not I ask you!

6. 《第一滴血》中的全部经典台词

i didn't come here to rescue rambo from you.

i come here to rescue you from rambo.
mission ……accomplished!

you know there's more men out there.
you know where they are.find them or i'll find you.
you must not judge us before you understand why we are not ready to help.
most of the afghan people are very strong.
and we are determinded not be driven from our land.
our children die of disease,mines and poison gas.
and the woman are raped and killed.
last year , in the valley of laghman,the next valley,six thousand afhans were killed.
pregnant women were cut with bayonets,and their babies thrown into the fires.

this is done ,so they will not have to fight the next generation of afhans.
yet nobody sees anything or reads anything in the papers.
what you see here are the Mojahedeens soldiers holy warriors.
to us ,this war is a holy war.
and there's no true death for a Mojahedeens.
because we have taken our last rites.
we consider ourselves dead already.
to us ,death for our land and God is an honor.
so my friend,what we must do is to stop this killling of our women and children.
if getting this man free,so he can return to the free world,and tell what happens here is necessary.
then of couse,we will help.
leave us now.so we may speak among ourselves,and find the best way to free this man
maybe you've lost your faith in people.
but you still must be faithful to something.
you must still care about something.
maybe wo can't change what it is.
but trying to save a life isn't wasting your life。
you know what you are ,what you're made of.
war is in your blood.
don't fight it.
you didn't kill for your country.
you killed for yourself.
the gods are nerver gonna make that go away.
when you're pushed,killing's as easy as breathing.
-what do you want?
-i need you help.
-if someone see you ,we both will die.coming back here is so dangerous.did you find her?
-she's dead.
-i'm sorry.i really am.i know how you feel.but coming back was dangerous.why are you here?
-i wanna find the thin one.the one that cut her.
-i will not help you again.
-you have to.
-why i have to?what will it change?nothing.we greve and move on.
-and you've done that.
-i mean, i think of her every day every fucking day.but we have to move on.
-what if you can't move on?
-but you have to.we have no choice.what's done is done.
-why is it done?how is it ever done?when i look at something so innocent and i see that face never has life in it again,how is it ever done?i want revenge.i want them to know that death is coming,and there's nothing they can do to stop it.i want them to feel our grief and know that's the last thing they will ever feel.and i know you want it too.

7. 第一滴血4经典台词


maybe you've lost your faith in people.
but you still must be faithful to something.
you must still care about something.
maybe wo can't change what it is.
but trying to save a life isn't wasting your life。

8. 第一滴血中的经典英文台词

God would have mercy John Rambo won't!

9. 谁能给我第一滴血1最后片段完整英文台词

给你第一滴血全英文剧本下载地址,里面包括最后片段完整英文台词哦!我已帮你申请好了用户名:1981sz319 密码:1977zs319登陆后才可下载.


Rambo: Nothing is over! Nothing! You just don't turn it off! It wasn't my war! You asked me, I didn't ask you! And I did what I had to do to win! But somebody wouldn't let us win! And I come back to the world and I see all those maggots at the airport, protesting me, spitting. Calling me baby killer and all kinds of vile crap! Who are they to protest me? Who are they? Unless they've been me and been there and know what the hell they're yelling about!

Rambo: We were in this bar in Saigon and this kid comes up, this kid carrying a shoe-shine box. And he says "Shine, please, shine!" I said no. He kept askin', yeah, and Joey said "Yeah." And I went to get a couple of beers, and the box was wired, and he opened up the box, fucking blew his body all over the place. And he's laying there, he's fucking screaming. There's pieces of him all over me, just... (Takes off his bandolier) like this, and I'm tryin' to pull him off, you know, my friend that's all over me! I've got blood and everything and I'm tryin' to hold him together! I'm puttin'... the guy's fuckin' insides keep coming out! And nobody would help! Nobody would help! He's saying, sayin' "I wanna go home! I wanna go home!" He keeps calling my name! "I wanna go home, Johnny! I wanna drive my Chevy!" I said "Why? I can't find your fuckin'

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