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A. 2014-2015英语期中试卷谁有答案


B. 五年级下册英语期中试卷答案第三题笔试答案

一、 将你听到的单词序号填入题前的括号内10分 ( )1 A speak B spread C read ( )2 A end B send C sand ( )3 A off B of C over ( )4 A place B space C croos ( )5 A your B yours C yes 二、 选出你听到的句子,将序号填在题前的括号内10分 ( )1 A I can see twenty-one pens. B I can see twenty-five pencils. C I can see thirty-four pencils. ( )2 A Please count the books on the desk. B Please count the books on the chair. C Please take the books to the classroom. ( )3 A How many are there Twenty-six. B How many are there Thirty-seven. C How many can you see I can see forty-two. ( )4 A Turn right,you can see it on the left. B Turn right,you can see it at the end. C Turn left,you can see it on the right. ( )5 A My husband is twice thirty. B My husband is twice thirty-two. C My father is seventy. 笔试部分(80分) 一、 请你按正确的格式抄写下列单词或句子11分 office Friday question breakfast Mars How can I get there 二、 请你选择划线部分发音不同的单词5分 ( )1 A b[u]oo[/u]k B g[u]oo[/u]d C c[u]oo[/u]l ( )2 A sp[u]ea[/u]k B br[u]ea[/u]kfast C spr[u]ea[/u]d ( )3 A doct[u]or[/u] B h[u]or[/u]se C f[u]or[/u] ( )4 A s[u]a[/u]me B b[u]a[/u]ke C h[u]a[/u]ve ( )5 A b[u]i[/u]ke B k[u]i[/u]te C g[u]i[/u]ve 三、 请你按要求写单词12分 they(名词性形式)_________ have(单三式)_________ child(复数形式)__________ two(同音词)__________ carry(现在分词)__________ right(反义词)_________ 四、 请你把下列句子重新排列,使其成为一段完整的话。12分 ( )1 How can I get there ( )2 Yes,there is. ( )3 Is there a shop near here ( )4 Excuse me. ( )5 You can see it on the right. ( )6 Go down this street , turn right. 五、 选择填空20分 ( )1 Are there ____ apples in the box A an B any C a D the ( )2 There are many ______ in the classroom. A woman B womans C women D womens ( )3 Whose bird are these _______ are yours. A They B Their C Those D Theirs ( )4 May I take a message _____ you A to B for C from D of ( )5 There is no water on ____ Mars. A a B an C the D × ( )6 There ___ some milk in the glass. A is B am C are D isn’t ( )7 Go down this street , you can see it ___ the end. A on B in C under D at ( )8 Is this dog ___ Yes , it’s ____. A your , my B yours , mine C yours , my D your , mine ( )9 ______ I borrow your pen A May B Must C Does D Am ( )10 The light is red . You ___ cross the street now. A mustn’t B may C can D must 六、按要求改写句子10分 1 You must cross the street .(否定句) 2 There are some cows in the farm.(一般疑问句) 3 They are [u]my[/u] desks.(对划线部分提问) 4 There are [u]two[/u] birds in the tree . (对划线部分提问) 5 My name is [u]Mary.[/u](对划线部分提问) 七、 阅读短文,然后判断正误,正确打(T),错误打(F)10分 There is a park near our school . We can see many trees and flowers there . We can see a hill behind the park , too . At the foot of the hill we can see a river . There are some boats on it . It is Monday today . There are many children in the park . Some are walking and singing . Some are dancing or playing games . Ann and her brother Tom are flying a kite . Their father and mother are sitting under the tree . All the family are having a good time. ( )1 There are many trees and animals in the park . ( )2 There is a hill in the park . ( )3 Ann and her brother Tom are flying a kite . ( )4 Some children are singing . ( )5 All the family are very happy .

C. 六年级下册英语期中考试试卷答案

首页 | 网络知道 | 登录 新闻 网页 贴吧 知道 MP3 图片 视频 网络 文库 帮助 | 设置 网络知道 > 教育/科学 > 学习帮助 六年级下册数学期末试卷及答案 悬赏分:0 | 解决时间:2009-7-23 08:53 | 提问者:莹雪飞翔 问题补充: 谁有六年级下册数学题,或数学卷子 最佳答案 小学数学毕业试卷姓名: 班级: 得分: 题号 一 二 三 四 五 六 总分得分一. 计算题(24%)1.直接写出得数(5%)3.8+6.2= 8.1÷3×2= 568-198= 0.65÷1.3= 75×10%= 二、填空题:(22%)(1)“二百万四千六百十九”这个数写作( ),省略万后面的尾数记作( )。(2)4吨7千克=( )吨 3.15小时=( )小时( )分(3) 的分数单位是( ),再加上( )个这样的分数单位后是最小的质数。(4) (5) 一个棱长为6分米的正方体木块的表面积是( )平方分米,把它切削成一个最大的圆锥体,这个圆锥体的体积是( )立方分米。(6)按糖和水的比为1:19配制一种糖水,这种糖水的含糖率是( )%;现有糖50克,可配制这种糖水( )克。(7)在一幅比例尺是 的学校平面图上,量得校门口到高年级教学楼的距离是4.5厘米,校门口到高年级教学楼的实际距离是( )米。(8)从0、4、5、7中选择三个数字组成一个能同时被2、3、5整除的最大三位数,这个三位数是( ),把它分解质因数是( )。(9)一项工程,甲单独做要6小时完成,乙单独做要9小时完成。甲、乙合做2小时,完成了这项工程的( ),余下的由甲单独做,还要( )小时完成。(10)一串数按1,1,2,2,3,3,4,4,5,5,……,从左面第一个数起,第35个数是( ),前36个数的和是( )。(11) 如下图,阴影部分的面积与正方形面积的比是5:12,正方形的边长是6厘米,DE的长是( )厘米。三、选择题(把正确答案前的序号填在括号里):(5%)(1)与面积是12平方厘米的平行四边形等底等高的三角形的面积是( )平方厘米。A.4 B.6 C.12 D.24(2)甲数除以乙数,商是0.2,甲数与乙数的最简整数比是( )。A.0.2:1 B.5:1 C.2:10 D.1:5(3)甲、乙两数的比是5:4,乙数比甲数少( )。A.25% B.20% C.125% (4)经过1小时,钟面上分针转过的角度与时针转过的角度相差( )。A.330° B.300° C.150° D.120°(5)一件商品,先提价20%,以后又降价20%,现在的价格与原来相比,( )。A.提高了 B.降低了 C.不变 D.无法确定四、操作题:(10%)1.用长10厘米、宽6厘米的长方形硬纸(如下图),做成一个棱长2厘米的正方体纸盒,应如何剪(接头处忽略不考虑)?在图中用阴影部分表示出要剪去的部分。至少给出两种不同的方案。(3%)2.在2001~2003这三年中,江苏省的应届高中毕业生要升入清华大学的理科高考录取分数线分别是666分、640分、641分,要升入苏州大学的理科高考录取分数线分别是534分、545分、522分。根据以上数据先把折线统计图填写完整,再完成下面的问题。(7%) 清华大学与苏州大学对江苏省考生的理科高考录取分数线统计图(2001~2003年) 单位:分 清华大学:—— 苏州大学:------

D. 7年级下册英语期中考试卷作文答案


E. 人教版五年级下册英语期中试卷及答案

Ⅰ. 1. watch 2. eraser 3. sharpener 4. baseball 5. computer 6. this 7. spell 8. English 9. keys 10. case Ⅱ. 1. B 题意:“这是你的铅笔吗?”“是的,它是。”答语中的it指代this,并用陈述形式it is,在简短答语中,it is不能缩写,所以A项不正确,C项顺序颠倒,D项是否定回答,故选B。 2. A 题意:“这是一本字典吗?”“是的,它是一本英语字典。”不定冠词a和an都表示“一个,一本„„”的含义,an用于以元音音素开头的单词,English是以元音音素开头的单词,所以第二个空用an,故选A。 3. D 题意:“请问,这是你的笔记本吗?”“是的,它是。”根据上下语境可知应是打搅别人,询问情况。sorry是道歉时表示对不起,thanks是表示感谢,在短语excuse me中应用宾格me而不是my,故选D。 4. C 题意:“这用英语怎么说?”“是一张卡片。” 表示用某种语言用介词in,故选C。 5. C 题意:“你怎么拼写key这个单词?”“K-E-Y.”A项和D项的回答都涉及到事物,B项是颜色,C项是单词拼写,符合题意,故选C。 6. B 题意:“那是你的棒球吗?”“不,它不是。那是她的棒球。”根据答语可知此处应作否定回答,故排除A项;C项和D项是互相矛盾,故选B。 7. C 题意:请按照495-3539这个号码给艾伦打电话。表示给某人打电话用at后接电话号码,at在此意为“按照”,是固定用法,故选C。 8. A 题意:“那是什么?”“是一块手表。”此处it指代that,所以D项不正确;B项和C项分别是疑问形式和否定答语,与问句不一致,故选A。 9. D 题意:“这是你的背包吗?”“不,是他的背包。”本句缺少的成分是形容词性物主代词,my “我的”与题意不符,him和 he分别为代词宾格和主格,正确答案是his,意为“他的”。 10. A 题意:“这是一台电脑吗?”“不,它不是。它是一台电视。”根据答语No来判断,问句应是Is一般疑问句,所以形式是Is it,否定部分是isn‟t,补充句子是陈述形式应是It‟s或It is,故选A。 11. A 题意:“你的背包很漂亮。”“谢谢。”对别人的夸奖或赞美要表示感谢,回答thanks或thank you,而不是谦逊地不接受,故D不正确。Sorry是“对不起”,表示道歉。You‟re welcome.是“不用谢”的意思,故选A。 12. C 题意:“看,那是什么?”“是一支钢笔。”A、B、D三项都是以元音音素开头的单词,前面应用an,只有pen之前可以用a,故选C。 13. B 题意:“这是一把钥匙吗?”“是的,它是我的钥匙。”根据答语可知上句是询问key的,故选B。 14. D 题意:“打扰一下,你是陈老师吗?”“是的,我叫陈琳。”you对应的be动词形式是are,答语的主语my name是第三人称单数,be动词应用is的形式,故选D。 15. C 题意:你的钥匙在铅笔盒里吗?根据题意可知此处的pencil case是特指的,应填定冠词the或是表示归属的形容词性物主代词,A项是人称代词,不符合题意,故选C。 Ⅲ. 1. your 2. What‟s 3. that 4. isn‟t 5. an Ⅳ. 1. Is this a pencil case? 2. No, it isn‟t. 3. It is not my backpack. 4. What‟s this in English? 5. Is that a ring? Ⅴ. 1. Is this your pencil case? 2. How do you spell “pencil”? 3. What‟s this in English? 4. Call Mike at 365-4639. 5. That is my baseball.

Ⅵ. 1. B 通过上下句的意思来判断是询问姓氏,应选B。 2. B 询问电话号码用What‟s, 即what is的缩写。 3. C电话号码为单数,答语应是It‟s。 4. C 根据上下句的意思是问“你能回答我的问题吗?”,回答应该是answer。 5. A 从下文来看,对方可以回答问题,所以答案是肯定的。 6. A 紧接上文内容,意思是:什么问题?原句中已经有is,所以不选B。 7. A 介词in表示“用某种语言”。 8. B It指代上文的this。 9. B 本句需加助动词do,因为谓语动词是形为动词spell。 10. A 根据答语“不用谢”判断上文应是表示感谢。 Ⅶ. A)1. F由第一个方框Found招领启事可知,手表是John发现的而不是他丢的。 2. T由第二个方框Lost寻物启事可知,ID card 是 Steve的。 3. T由第三个方框可推知,Francisco丢失了computer game。 4. F由第一个方框Found招领启事可知,John的号码是495-3539,而不是495-3536。 5. T由第二个方框可得到答案。 B)6. A 由第二、三句It‟s a pencil case. It‟s orange.可知选A。 7. B 由第六、七句Look, this is a pen. It‟s black.可知应选B。 8. C 由This is a pencil. It‟s red. And this is a pencil, too.可归纳为“两支铅笔”,故选C。 9. D 由倒数第三、四句This is an eraser. It‟s blue and white.可知应选D。 10. D 由最后一句My pencil case is big and nice.可知应选D。 Ⅷ. 1. G 2. D 3. C 4. B 5. A 6. J 7. I 8. H 9. E 10. F
Ⅸ. One possible version: Lost My new keys. My name is Lucy. Please call me at 928-673

F. 英语期中初一试卷,附答案

I. 单项选择题(25)分
1.I think it is ________ interesting book.
A a B an C 不填 D the
2.---Is this _______ dictionary?----No, it isn't.. It is _______ dictionary.
A you,he B your , he C you ,his D your , his
3.Please_______ these things _____your classroom.
A bring , to B take , to C bring ,for D take ,for
4.Let's_______ basketball.
A plays B play, the C play D to play
5._____your brother_______English?
A Do ,like B Do ,likes C Does ,like D Does, likes
6. My sister _____eggs ______breakfast.
A have, for B has, for C have, to D has ,to
7.---Do you often _______a movie?
----No , I often ________TV.
A see ,see B watch ,watch C see ,watch D watch ,see
8.Thanks________the photo _______your school.
A of, for B for ,of C for, about D about, for
9.The boy is _______.He eats_____good food.
A healthy , a lot B health ,a lot of C healthy , lots of D heath, a lot of
10._____ are these socks ? ---Twenty yuan.
A What B How old C How much D When
11.____do you want?----Blue.
A How much B What color C What D When
12. September is _____month of the year.
A nine B ninth C the ninth D the nineth
13.My good friend is twelve_______
A, years old B year old C old year D old years
14.--________is your teacher ? -----He is in the classroom.
A When B How C Where D What
15.I like apples , _____I don't like oranges
A and B or C but D 不填
16.Do you often go to see Beijing Opera______your friend______ weekends?
A with , about B about , on C with, on D on ,with
17.He likes playing _______ piano and he can play_______volleyball.
A.the the B the 不填 C 不填 不填 D the 不填
18. What club do you want ________?
A to join B join C joins Djoin in
19.You can call him ______035-7578.
A at B in C for D on
20. Let me ______your watch.
A have a look B has a look C have a look at D has a look at
21.---Your English is very good.--_________________.
A No, it isn't good B Yes C Thank you D Don't say like this
22. He can _____about Chinese history.
A learn B to learn C learns D to lear ns
23.---______David and Jane like bananas? ---Yes ,___________.
A Do, he does B Do , they do C Does , he does D Do , they don't
24. Excuse me , C an you help _______?
A his B our C he D us
25.Look! These are ______pens.
A your brother B you C your brother's D your brothers

II.完形填空 (10分)
June 26 action movies and she often goes 2 7 Chinese action movies. She thinks they are very 28 . She thinks documentaries are boring, 29 she doesn’t like 30 . She thinks they are scary. She 31 likes Beijing Opera. Some 32 don’t like it, but she thinks it very 33 . She thinks she can 34 Chinese history. She with her friends 35 to see Beijing Opera.
( )26. A. really like B. like really C. really likes D. likes really
( ) 27. A. seeing B. to see C. see D. sees
( ) 28. A. exciting B. boring C. difficult D. sad
( ) 29. A. but B. so C. or D. and
( ) 30. A. comedies B. thrillers C. action movies D. documentaries
( )31. A. too B. either C. also D. often
( ) 32. A. people B. peoples C. English D. Chinese
( ) 33. A. interesting B. boring C. scary D. exciting
( ) 34. A. thinks of B. think of C. learns about D. learn about
( ) 35. A. has B. go C. wants D. find
V.阅读理解 (15分)
This is a Chinese boy. His name is Wu Yonghua. He is twelve. He is in No. 8 Middle School. He’s in Class Three, Grade Two. His English teacher is Mr. Liu. His Chinese teacher is Mr. Zhu. Bob is an English boy. He’s in No. 8 Middle School, too. His English teacher is Miss Wang. His Chinese teacher is Mrs. Fang. Wu Yonghua and Bob are Number 5. They are good friends.
( ) 36. Wu Yonghua is _____ boy.
A. an American B. a Chinese C. an English D. a Japanese
( ) 37. How old is Wu Yonghua? _______.
A. He’s 10 B. He’s 11 C. She’s 12 D. He’s 12
( ) 38. Bob is ______ boy.
A. a Chinese B. an English C. an American D. a Japanese
( )39. How old is Bob? _______.
A. He’s 12 B. She’s 12 C. He’s 13 D. We don’t know
( ) 40. Which is not right(正确)?
A. Mr. Zhu is Bob’s English teacher.
B. Mrs. Fang is Wu Yonghua’s Chinese teacher.
C. Bob is Wu Yonghua’s friend
D. A and B
Jim is a basketball fan (球迷). He is very good at playing basketball. Michael Jorden is his favorite (最喜欢的) basketball player. Jim is on the school basketball team. Every Friday (星期五) afternoon, they play basketball after class. Jim’s friend Mike isn’t good at basketball, but he’s very good at football. Ronaldo is his favorite football player. Mike is on the football team. They play football every Tuesday afternoon.
( ) 41. Jim likes basketball very much.
( )4 2. Michael Jorden is a football player.
( )4 3. Jim plays basketball every day.
( ) 44. Jim’s friend Mike is good at basketball, too.
( ) 45. Ronaldo is Jim’s favorite football player.

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20

21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30

31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40

41 42 43 44 45

1.December is the t_________month of the year .
2.Can you a__________ this question?
3.Tom is English but he can s_______ Chinese .
4.This story s__________ very interesting.
5.The apple is a kind of f_________.
6.I ________( 想 )he likes English.
7.It's an English --Chinese ___________(字典)
8.Is Zhao Wei a ___________ (成功的) actor?
9.This shirt is very good and I want to _________ (买下)it.
10.You can buy clothes for __________ (自己).
V. 按要求改写句子(12分)
1.Lucy has a friend.(改为一般疑问句)
_______Lucy ________ a friend?
2.Can she play basketball?(做否定回答)
No, _______ ________
3.My brother’s birthday is April 3rd.(划线提问)
______ _______ your brother’s birthday?
4.Do Jim and Bob want a room ?(做肯定回答)
Yes , _______ ________.
5.My parents are forty .(划线提问)
________ _________ are your parents?
6. want,join.to,we,English,club,the (连词成句)

7.often,we,to,go,see,Beijing Opera,our,friends,with(连词成句)

VI.对话配对 根据A栏内容在B栏选择正确的答案(8分)
( ) 1. How much is the white T-shirt?
( ) 2. It’s a very successful thriller,
( ) 3. Does she want to go to movies?
( ) 4. How old is she?
( ) 5. What can I do for you?
( ) 6. What kind of movies do you like?
( ) 7. Who likes Cartoons best?
( ) 8. When is your cousin’s birthday?
A. She’s 13.
B. I like thrillers.
C. It’s Sep. 21st.
D. My brother does.
E. It’s $ 12.
F. but I think it’s boring.
G. Yes, please. I need a black bag.
H. No, she doesn’t.
Mr. White____(be) an English man. He teaches English. His English class is very interesting. He ____(like) us and we like him, too. Mr. White _____(have) two children—Tom and Lucy. Tom ____(be) seven and _____(he) sister Lucy is four. Tom _____(go) to school but Lucy _____(not go) to school . Mr. White likes to wear a T-shirt and jeans(牛仔裤). Football is _____(he)favorite sport. After school we have a basketball match. Mr. White often _____(watch) and joins (加入) us. He ______(play) basketball just (只是) for fun.
Jack: Can I (1)_______ (2)___________?
Rose: Yes, please. I want some football socks.
Jack: (3)______ (4)_______do you want?
Rose: White. How much(5)_______ (6)_______?
Jack: Ten yuan .
Rose: I will take (7)_________.
Jack: (8)________you(9)_____________.
Rose: (10)_________you very much.
Jack: You are welcome.
以My friend为题,根据提示写一篇作文
Ann有一个好朋友,他是中国人,他的名字叫李平,今年14岁了,9月10日是的他的生日。他喜欢足球和电影,看!足球在椅子下面,许多VCD在桌子上,他经常和他的父亲下棋,他弹吉他弹的很好。你喜欢 他吗?


1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20
21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30
31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40
41 42 43 44 45

1.twelfth 2.answer 3.speaker 4.sounds 5.fruit 6.think 7.dictionary 8.successful 9.take/have 10.yourself

V. 按要求改写句子(12分)
1.Does,have 2.she,can’t 3.When ,is 4.they,do 5.How,old 6.We want to join the English club. 7.we often go to see Beijing Opera with our friends.
VI.对话配对 根据A栏内容在B栏选择正确的答案(8分)
1.E 2.F 3.H 4.A 5.G 6.B &.D 8.C
is ,likes, has,is,his,goes,doesn’t go,his,watches,plays
1. help 2.you 3.What 4.color 5.are 6.they 7.them 8.Here 9.are 10.Thank
My friend
Ann has a friend .His name is Li Ping. He is 14years old .His birthday is on September 10th .He likes playing football and going to the movies.Look!There is a football under the chair.There are some VCDs on he table. He often plays chess with his father. He plays guitar very well. Do you like him?

G. 五年级下册英语期中考卷的答案

PEP小学五年级英语下册 期末试卷班级 姓名 分数 一、找出下面单词中意思不同类的一个,把它的序号写到前面的括号里。(6%) ( )1. A. summer B. fall C. season D. spring( )2. A. first B. fourth C.twentieth D. twelve( )3. A.July B. Jane C. Feb. D. August( )4. A. jumping B. eating C. swimming D. swing( )5. A. eat lunch B. play the piano C.eat dinner D. have breakfast( )6.A.New Year’s Day B.Army Day C. Amy’s birthday D.Chileren’s Day二、选择正确的答案。(10%)( )1.________ do you get upA. When B. What C. Why( )2._________is your favourite seasonA. What B. Who C. Where( )3. Which season do you like bestA. I can swim. B. I like summer. C. I don’t like summer.( )4. I ________like winter. It’s too cold.A. doB. don’t C. doesn’t( )5. August is the __________month of the year.A. eight B.eighth C. eighty( )6. June 1st is ___________.A. New Years Day B.Army Day C. Childrens Day( )7. What are you_______nowA.doingB.doC.does( )8. Tom is ________an e-mail.A.writing B.writeing C.writting( )9. ________they catching butterflies No, they________.A.are; areB.Are; are C.Are; aren’t( )10.Where is Zhang Peng He’s_________the woods. He’s__________pictures.A. in; takeB. in; taking C.on; taking( )11 .______ is your birthday A. What B.When C. Why ( )12.I eat dinner ________ 7:00 in the evening A. on B.inC.at ( )13.What _____ you doing A. are B. am C .is ( )14.Joan is ______the phone . A. answering B .answer C. are answering ( )15 .When is your birthday It’s ______. A. June 9B. June the 9 C.June 9th . 三.选择单词或短语填空. in play sports like Because go shopping writing climbing doing1 . I _____ _ summer ._______I can swim in the lake . 2 . He is _____ _an e_mail _ __ the study . 3 . I often ______ . Sometimes I ______ . 4 . What are they doing They are ______ _trees . 四、连词成句(14%)1. class you do When English have ()___________________________________________________2. shopping often go I weekend on the (.)

H. 七年级下册英语期中试卷(有答案)

登陆 http://wenku..com/view/8050a15f3b3567ec102d8a18.html

I. 五年级下册第一题英语期中试卷答案

一.看图听句子,判断图片是否与所听到的内容一致;一致的在括号中用“√”表示,不一致的用“×”表示。(1×6=6分)1.We call it a gosling.(×) 2.What a lovely puppy!(×) 3.This photo shows our classroom.(×) 4.We can play hocky on the field.( ×) 5.How much are those jeans They are 20 yuan.( ×) 6.What`s the matter with him I don`t know.( √) 二.听对话,按所听对话的顺序给下列图画编号。(1×6=6分)1. ---Is that a foal over there ---Yes,it is. 2. ---Can kittens climb up a tree ---Yes, they can . 3. ---How often do you come to the library ---Twice a week. 4. ---How do you like art field trips ---I don`t like them.5. ---Can I speak to Miss Wang ,please ---This is Miss Wang speaking.6. ---Can I help you ---I want to buy a telephone. (2 6 1 4 5 3 )三.听录音,根据听到的内容选择恰当的选项,将标号填在括号里。(1×8=8分)学校里来了个参观访问团,李艳负责接待其中的一位外国小朋友Mark。 LiYan : Hello, Mark. Welcome to our school. I’m LiYan. Where are you fromMark: Hello, LiYan. I come from Australia. Here’s a gift for you.LiYan: Oh, what a lovely baby kangaroo.Mark: We don’t call it a kangaroo. LiYan: What do you call itMark: We call it a joey. (A, B)首先, 李艳带领Mark 观学校.LiYan: Look, Mark. This is our sports field. Mark: Oh, it’s big. What do you often do on the field.LiYan: We often play volleyball and basketball on the field. Are there any ball games in your schoolMark: Certainly. Our school is famous for rugby. (A, B)然后,李艳又带Mark 参观了教室LiYan: This is our classroom. This is our mini-library and that is our science corner.Mark: What do you do in your science cornerLiYan: We do experiments and observe things.Mark: Is that your computer cornerLiYan: Yes,it is. (B, B)最后一天,李艳带Mark 到了奥运商品专卖店,准备买些礼物送给Mark.Salesman: Welcome to our shop. What can I do for youLiyan: Can I have a look at those FuwaSalesman: Here you are.Liyan: Mark, which one do you likeMark: I like the red one.Liyan : Oh, we call it Huanhuan in Chinese. How much is it, sirSalesman: It’s 68 yuan. But it’s 300 yuan for all these five.Liyan: Oh, that’s good. I’ll take five. Here’s the money.Salesman: Thank you. (B, B)四. 据听到的故事内容,将下列图片排序,将序号填在括号里。(1×5=5分) I’m Mary. I’m Australian. I have a best friend Tina. She’s from New Zealand. We are in the same school. Our school is beautiful. Our classroom is very big. We have a science corner, an English corner and a mini-library in my classroom. Tina and I like English. We often speak English at English corner. But today I don’t speak English at the English corner because Tina has a fever. I want to buy some berries and flowers to see her. I hope she will get well soon. 3,2,4,6,1,5五.根据图中孩的自我介绍,将信息卡补充完整。(1×5=5分)Hello. My name is Jon, J-o-n, Jon. I am 11/eleven years old. I love animals. My favourite animal is cklings. They are very cute. At school, we have many clubs. We often paint in art club. I can paint very well. Boys like playing basketball and it’s my favorite sport.笔 试 部 分(50%)六.(1×5=5分) A C D B C E J D F IH G A B C七. (1×10=10分)八. (1×10=10分) C A B A B A C B C B 九. (1×5=5分) B A A C B 十. (2×5=10分) B C B B A十一. (1×5=5分) × √ × √ ×十二. (5分)Task 1 (1×3=3分) B A CTask 2 (1×2=2分)

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