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發布時間: 2021-03-15 00:36:56

『壹』 初中英語課本上面的一個歌曲,我大概是2001年上的初一,那首個的節奏很歡快。就是錄音磁帶上面的歌。

remember two songs:
Let's go to pick an apple on a fine suptember day,let's go to pick an apple on a fine suptember day,let's go to pick an apple on a fine suptember day,let's take it home ok?
Come and see my family,under the old apple tree,this is my father,how do you do,sit down and have a cup of tea with me.

fly fly fly your kite, high in the sky
up and down, round and round, let your kite fly high


it's time to go to school, it's time to go to school,
lucy take your shoes on, it's time to go to school
it's time to go to bed, it's time to go to bed
lucy take your shoes off, it's time to go to bed


near our school, there is a shop.

it's big, it sells a lot of things. in this shop, you can by shcool things like books, rulers, pens, color pencils, erasers and maps. people in this shop are very friendly.

you can't buy things in the shop before 8 o'clock. so don't forget your things early in the morning.


『貳』 初中英語課本中maria唱的歌


『叄』 初中英語課本上有一首好好聽的懷舊感的英文歌曲叫什麼名字啊

有兩首,一首是 Take Me Home Country Roads ,另一首是 Yesterday Once More。

『肆』 初中英語課本上面有片介紹美國鄉村歌手的 哪首歌曲叫什麼名字

Country road, take me home

『伍』 英語教材裡面的一首歌曲


『陸』 適合初中生學習與教材同步英文歌曲有哪些

lemon tree
on the top of the world
last ride of the day
best day of my life
when the earth goes dark
try everthing

『柒』 中小學英語教材中的歌曲有哪些

十個印第安人 , How are you , Are you sleep , London bridge

『捌』 初中英語課文中的歌曲

Polly can you spell you name

『玖』 初中教科書上英語歌曲

《big big world》,<the day you went away>,<heal the world>簡單易學,如果我沒記錯的話,好像初中教科書上是不放英語歌曲的,只有小學教科書才有,所以推薦你去看下之幾首歌曲,單詞沒那麼復雜,又不落後,而且朗朗上口

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