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發布時間: 2021-03-15 09:27:23

⑴ 不知道國際學校入學考試難不難,想要詳細了解一下初中數學考試常見的英語詞彙,越全越好!


⑵ 國際學校 英語怎麼說

international school

⑶ 國際學校的英語和讀音


⑷ 求初中英文數學卷子,要考國際學校!

1. Two numbers differ by 57. Their sum is 185. Find the numbers. Choices for the smaller number:54 64 74.

2.A bus went 318 km farther than a car. The car went one third as far as the bus. How far did each vehicle travel? Choices for the smaller number: 147 151 159

3.one number is four times another number. The larger number is also 87 more than the smaller number. Find the numbers. Choices for the smaller number: 29 30 33

4.A clown weights 60 lb more than a trapeze artist. The trapeze artist weighs two thids as much as the clown. How much does each weigh? choices for the weight of the trapeze artist : 110 120 125
5. The U.S. Senate has 100 memebers, all Democrats or Republicans. Recently there were 12 more Democrats than Republicans. How many Senators from each political party were there at that time? Choices for the number of Republicans: 38 42 44

6.The ninth grade class has 17 more girls than boys. there are 431 students in all. how many boys are there? how many girls are there? Choices for the number of boys: 191 202 207

7. Elena has one and a half times as much money as Ramon.Together they have 225. how much money does each have?
Choices for Ramom's amount;80 90 95

8. Western state college is 18 years older than southern state. western is also 2 and the half times as old as southern. how old is each? Choice for southern state's age:12 14 18

⑸ 請問上海的國際學校一般用哪些英文版本的數學教材


⑹ 國際學校的必備單詞

我跟你差不多,今年上的清華附中國際部,小學一直在中國上的,英語內水平也不高容 ,現在上7年級 ,我也聽不懂物理和歷史,但是其實你只要把老師上課講的記下來,回家後上網查所有的意思,不用刻意的去背單詞,英語單詞很多,要說有用的常用的,也有很多,沒有什麼必備單詞。歷史其實還好,主要是物理,一定要注意背物理那些名詞!這個很重要 ,然後把解釋背下來,一定要花時間去背。 只要這些「搞定」就沒什麼好怕的了,在你這種環境下,差不多一年後,你的英文就會很好了,一定不要刻意的去背很多老師沒有讓你們背的單詞,因為你 一下背那麼多頁記不住,也沒用,所以勸你去買一個電子詞典帶到學校用,會很有幫助!

⑺ 以英文教學的國際學校常用英語單詞


⑻ 以英文教學的國際學校常用英語單詞

呵呵,這樣的學校是注重口語的。單詞不是孤立的,是在句子中慢慢的積累的。單獨把單詞拿出來練是事倍功半, 也沒有規定說那些單詞常用,那些不常用,我是英語教師,希望對您有幫助。

⑼ 國際學校 用英語怎麼說

i'm an english teacher. i work for an internationalschool in shanghai.

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