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发布时间: 2021-03-14 21:31:21

A. 有关周杰伦的初一英语作文

Jay Chou is a popular singer!I like him very much!He is not very handsome,but he is so smart!Jay has small eyes.He can play basketball very well,and he can play the piano as well.

B. 英语作文描写周杰伦的,谢了

Chinese Taiwan mandarin pop singer, famous musicians, music creators, composer, lyrics, procer, jewell music company boss, one director. In recent years dabbling in the film instry. Jay Chou is 2000 years Asian pop the most revolutionary and indexes of creation, "Asian pop singer lalitasana," said. He break through original Asian music theme, form, the integration of multiple music material, create various songs style, especially in the fusion of western eastern hip hop or r&b, is the most famous Chinese pop music pioneered the prophet of "Chinese wind". Jay Chou's in breaking Asian pop perennial stagnant situation, for the Asian pop turns over a new page!


C. 我的偶像周杰伦(英语作文)

My favorite star is Jay.I like his songs very much.He is very tall and thin.
He likes playing basketball and singing.He is very cool.
他喜欢玩篮球和唱歌. 他非常酷.
His miusc is very good,I like《HONG CHEN KE ZHAN 》best,beacuse it‘s very lcet
There are three people in his family:mum,grandma and him。jay loves his mum and grangma very much。 He is very obedient.
Jay was born in Taiwan and he is famous a singer.
We don't konw why we do like him
In fact ,many people are all like me like him very much.

河北小学 六年三班 陈柔冰 2013.02.18

D. 求一篇介绍周杰伦的英语作文

I like Jay, because of his cool. In pop music, he remains high, but he is more valuable is hard, very hard to do anything in this regard is beyond doubt, I wish I could be like him the same study hard. 描写周杰伦的 Singer Jay Chou is a great singer, nice piano player, as well as gifted composer from Taiwan. Some people compare him as Michael Jackson, the king of pop singer in the world. I have heard his song over and over again, and never get bored. I wish I can go to his concert, as media has described that he has all the talent on the stage. Lately, he is dating the most beautiful lady in Taiwan. I would like to bless his fortune and good luck. I think he must be the happiest man in the whole world.

E. 有关周杰伦的英语作文

My favourite singer is Zhou Jielun.His English name is Jay Chow.He was born on January 18th,1979.His height is 173cm,and his weight is 60kg.His favourite sport is basketball, and I think he plays it very well.His favourite singers are Usher,Babyface and so on.His favourite color is blue. And he likes chicken very much.His favourite NBA player is Michael Jordan.His hobbies are songwriting,monies,and playing computer games.

F. 英文介绍周杰伦


Jay Chou is a man who loves challenges. He has made movies, been a director, hosted shows and been a radio DJ.

I've written, directed and acted in movies

He used to be the host of a radio show: DJ

He tried all kinds of careers, and although he couldn't be as successful as a singer, his willingness to challenge is worth learning


周杰伦(Jay Chou),1979年1月18日出生于台湾省新北市,中国台湾流行乐男歌手、音乐人、演员、导演、编剧、监制、商人。

2000年发行首张个人专辑《Jay》。2001年发行的专辑《范特西》奠定其融合中西方音乐的风格[1]。2002年举行“The One”世界巡回演唱会 。

2003年成为美国《时代周刊》封面人物 。

2004年获得世界音乐大奖中国区最畅销艺人奖 。

2005年凭借动作片《头文字D》获得台湾电影金马奖、香港电影金像奖最佳新人奖 。

2006年起连续三年获得世界音乐大奖中国区最畅销艺人奖 。

2007年自编自导的文艺片《不能说的秘密》获得台湾电影金马奖年度台湾杰出电影奖 。

2008年凭借歌曲《青花瓷》获得第19届金曲奖最佳作曲人奖 。

2009年入选美国CNN评出的“25位亚洲最具影响力的人物”,同年凭借专辑《魔杰座》获得第20届金曲奖最佳国语男歌手奖 。

2010年入选美国《Fast Company》评出的“全球百大创意人物” 。


2012年登福布斯中国名人榜榜首 。

2014年发行华语乐坛首张数字音乐专辑《哎呦,不错哦》 。

2018年举行“地表最强2世界巡回演唱会” 。

G. 英语作文 介绍周杰伦

Jay Chou ( 1979.1.18 ) Chinese, Taiwanese, Fujian native of Quanzhou, graated from Taipei Tamkang middle school, Chinese pop singer, famous music person. The "Asian pop " is called. Its musical breakthrough in the original Asian music theme, form, the integration of multiple music material, created the Chinese pop music" China Wind " harbinger, for Asian pop music turned over new one page. In 2005," initial D" to get into the film instry, published 2006 book" D gorgeous tune", established in 2007 2009 Music Limited company, directed TV drama" Panda", 2010 hosted a TV show" Mr . J channel"," the Green Hornet" in 2011 to enter the Hollywood.


H. 关于周杰伦的英语作文

Jay Chou born in Taibei.He birthday on 18th.In the family the only son,his parents all are the middle school teacher.He hobby is seeing the electricity,playing basketball,playing electrically operated.He be good at piano,violin,guitar,knight drum.He do well in R&B,RAP.In 1996 accompaied in the Dan river middle school chorus piano.Four year later,distributes indivial first special edition,In 2006 his movie"Gold armor"is all the rage mainland.Until now distributes seven special editions and shot five movies and person or household who refuses to move and bargains for unreasonably high compensation when the land is requisitioned for a construction project region the MOTO handest ,Pepsi Cola and so an act as barand sporkeman.2007 year's end in Taibei,Shanghai,Hong Kong will conct tours

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